Sweet Fabric + slow down

Dusting off the projector...

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for a Kootoyoo Slide Night. I hope you'll all come along.

I'm stringing up an old sheet in the good room & lighting a fire. There will be fondue & a cask of Mozelle - you can even smoke your Alpine ciggies in the house!

I've only been to a couple of Slide Nights in my life (both when I was very young) but I remember them well. Even the boring bits are fun when shared with a good friend & a laugh!

I love holidays. The kids break up from school today - yay hooray! Looking forward to a couple of relaxed and lovely weeks. We've made a few plans & we are really going to enjoy this break.

That means things will be a bit quiet on the blog front ... I'll be sharing holiday slides each day though. I won't be talking much but that doesn't mean you all can't share a giggle & a glass of wine.

You are welcome to bring a plate of classic 70s fare, some slides of your own & a beanbag.

...oooh I think I'll have chicken liver pate as well! 41

Blog, family, good, hope, LIFE, love, MAD, play, Room, Slide Night, and more:

Dusting off the projector... + slow down