Sweet Fabric + Room

On my desk ...

I'm attempting to tidy up the bombsite that was once my lovely pool room. It's amazing how quickly things turn ugly.

I'm an all or nothing girl & today is going to be about the all. All about cleaning & tidying & sorting (maybe a bit about the opping too).

on my desk today:

  • a little glimpse of mike's storybook wallet

  • the new issue of mixtape zine - yep that's my page

  • op shopped fabric (with selvedge!)

  • op shopped clover carbon paper

  • couple of op shopped patterns

  • op shopped coffee maker. I really didn't need this but too cute to leave behind.

  • a stack of op shopped pillowcases

  • cute as a button squirrel tile. It's backed with MDF but I'm betting it's stamped "JAPAN".

  • empty yoghurt container which is destined for greater things - I hope!

  • op shopped cotton lycra to make more undies.

On my desk...the players

On my desk...the guaranteed update list.

To be sure to be included on this list you need to link back here in the body of your post. This is not a cheap trick to ensure linkage (I don't care if you never link). BUT it is the only way I know for sure that you're still playing along & I'm trying really hard to get around to everyone on this list. Thanks.

Blog, hope, love, On my desk, and more:

On my desk ... + Room