I had such a great day with Aunty Cookie and the Meet Me at Mikes guys yesterday. Finders Keepers was a fabulous day out. You can read about the day & see fabulous pictures of the stalls & the event over at The Design Files or Mikes.
Shaz gave me this lightly hot water bottle vase & it joins Kate's hand in the bathroom (ring is by Victoria Mason) .... I know you need three to make it a collection so shall buzz off to etsy now.
& a bit on finding & keeping friends too...
I'm endlessly amazed by the number of really truly gorgeous mates I've made because of this bit of online drivel. My goings on are hardly ever poignant, personal or even humourous. But something in the way I've presented myself has led me to a growing number of found & kept friends & for that I will be eternally grateful. xxx