Sweet Fabric [Search results for handwork

  • The week that was...

    The week that was...

    Snippets from my week.

    I purchased a few pairs of jeans from the Op Shop to finish of this project. When I got them home I examined them more closely & found one of the pairs to be fits-like-a-glove & tracky-dack-comfy...delightful.

    I met a friend for coffee. She was running late - yay just enough time to duck into the Op Shop next door. I purchased a taped closed supermarket bag full of what I knew to be handwork of some kind. What I discovered was the handwork pictured above...delightful.

    On my daily mouse-mobile travels I read this post on a blog well loved by many and written by lovely local Claire. The post was simple and utterly...delightful.

    A souvlaki pizza enjoyed with beautiful tier one friends & pretty drinks & made by the date...delightful.

  • Test run...

    Test run...
    Step 3 Prototype

    I've been burned a few times with my "let's just see where this goes" attitude. Sometimes it goes fabulously & I'm not sure I'll be able to encore it. Sometimes it doesn't work out at all & I find I've wasted a huge amount of time on handwork only to have the finished item become a "blooper".

    As I plan to handstitch this I wanted to test run on the machine...I think we are on the right track.


  • Hand piecing...

    Hand piecing...

    is good for the soul.

    In preparation for tonight's Brown Owls get together I've been doing some hand piecing.

    It's hugely satisfying to examine your perfectly pressed hand pieced work. I think this progress pic looks so pretty. You could never get the back of anything machined to look that good or sit that flat.

    Normally I'm all about the speedy quick but I've really been enjoying the handwork I've been doing lately. It keeps me upstairs with the date at night & it's portable. I've been multi-tasking at the kids gym, football, soccer & at family events too.

  • Unpacking...


    I spent the weekend at Sewjourn. It was fabulous. The house and studio are beautifully set up.

    I focussed on handwork and got through a fair bit, but the real pleasure was spending the time with Christie, Julia, Carly, Melinda, Jo & Leslie.

    Thanks for a great weekend girls.

  • A week of pillowcases...

    A week of pillowcases...

    at Meet Me at Mikes .

    I've put together a few speedy quick projects of things to make from a pillowcase. Today it's a Blog Roll. It has handy pockets for storing your camera, a pen, a notepad & a pocket for brilliant ideas & inspiration. It's guaranteed to keep your blog On a roll...

    You can find the instructions for the construction of the Blog Roll as well the embroidery design here.

    If you've got a bit of a storage fetish I've also included simple & free embroidery designs for:
    Chick O Roll, Rock N Roll & a Stitching Roll

    This isn't as quick as the other projects I've put together because of the embroidery but I like handwork - it's relaxing.

    The pillowcase I would have used if I had the guts to hack into it.

    We are having a giveaway -you could win the Blog Roll (contents NOT included). The details are at Mikes & entries close at 5am Monday Melbourne time. I'm keeping this one open longer because it took the most time & I think it is the best. The winner will be announced here on Monday morning.

    WINNER of The Peg Apron is: Two Pink Possums

    Edit: I've just popped into Mikes & the Mixtape girls had a recycled pillowcase bib pattern in Issue 3 of Mixtape Zine. So if you don't already own this issue you might want to order it with Issue 4 which is coming out in the next couple of weeks.

  • Corner bookmark...

    Corner bookmark...
    corner bookmark

    x marks the spot!

    I reckon I've got this year's Christmas gift sussed.

    Embroidered & stitched entirely by hand so it's a good "kit craft" for taking along to kids activities.

    I've used a couple of little stick on magnets (which I picked up at Reverse Art last time I was there) to make sure my handwork stays with the book & not on the tram.

    corner bookmark closed

    I've just posted the tutorial here. Thanks all for your interest.