Sweet Fabric [Search results for planners

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    I'm enjoying being in the pool room . It's the best spot to keep an eye on the tradies next door & it's usually nice & bright.

    Not today...it's raining!!! I'm so happy about that.

    Music box work on the left.
    The fabric covered notebook full of menu planners that I'm giving away here.
    Baby Bosch - never far from reach.
    My treasured box of buttons. This was how it was given to me & how I like it...there will be no sorting of this lot. I LOVE riffling through the box.

    Pop in & add your link if you're playing this week.

  • Getting organised...

    Getting organised...

    Lou contacted me a couple of weeks ago to see if I'd have a stall at this market.

    Why not?
    I've got some stock.
    Mum & The Smalls have a whole Christmas extravaganza planned, so I'm kid free for the day.

    BUT... I can't turn up to a market with planners only - I'll look a bit mateless & slack.

    I've been making a few other bits & pieces & I'd love you to come & say Hi if you're in that neck of the woods on Saturday. Details & a link to all the little bits & pieces I'll be selling are in my sidebar.