My Vintage Children's Book Illustration comes from Prayers & Graces for a small child. It's a Rand McNally Tip-Top Elf Book.
It really does have the most beautiful illustrations but the reason I chose it is because scrawled inside in my best year 5 hand writing is "I want this for my kids" KT.
I don't even remember this book having special meaning to me as a funny.
Illustrated by Elizabeth Webbe Written by Mary Alice Jones in collaboration with Kate Smallwood Published by Rand McNally & Company, Chicago
Mousies' Marriage is a lovely little story & the illustrations are all gorgeous. I remember some time ago Natalie had illustrations from the book Frisky & Smutty. It's the same illustrator.
Illustrated by Gunilla Bouvin-Hansson Written by Pauline Fisher Published by Litor Publishers Ltd in 1956.
A very happy birthday to Pip. You've been my crafty Kick in the Pants the past year. Thank you & I hope your day has been sensational.
The Banksia Man from a gorgeous book, The Sandman Says gifted to me by the date. He bought it at Pigs Wings in South Yarra which sadly isn't there anymore.
Illustrated by Bill Davies Written by Frank Kauter Published by John Sands in 1949
Thanks Pip. I'm having fun sifting through the bookshelf. I'll be back later with my Op Shop post.
the ever lovely Pip is hosting a bit of play-along-fun.
I'm not a serious collector of anything - I just pick up bits & pieces that I like along the way.
I've always had a soft spot for children's books & I was lucky enough to find a copy of The Witty Wizard of Warrandyte a goodly long time ago.
Illustrated by Armstrong Written by Frances Chapman Published by Boobook productions (would ya believe it Brooki?). I think around the mid 1940s
I think the black & white illustrations in this book would make lovely stitchery. If I get my act together I might have a crack at one tonight at Brown Owls.