Sweet Fabric + This is

This is...my favourite craft shop

This is... hosted by Three Buttons. Theme from Handmaiden.

It goes without saying that my favourite craft shop is the Op Shop.

I've imposed pretty strict rules on myself in regards to my crafting materials.

Every once in a while I need to buy various craft supplies that are not readily available at Oppies.

Much to my delight, I've recently discovered Mardion Haberdashery. It's an absolute gem of a place. Everything that Spotty or Lincraft could/would ever hope to sell & all jammed into a tiny little treasure trove.

Owned & run by Ken who refers to everyone as "my friend". I love a visit to Mardion & I'm pretty confident you'd love it too.

You can read my review on Craft City Melbourne.

craft, hope, love, and more:

This is...my favourite craft shop + This is