If you give people the opportunity...the answer will usually be "yes".
I was recently asked a question by a nearly 8 year old friend.
She handed me an envelope & said "Can you make these Kirst?"
I opened the envelope, it contained one piece of royal blue origami paper & one piece of royal blue paper with white stars. There was also a rough sketch of the PJs she wanted made from said 'fabric samples'. The stars were to be for the top & the pants were to be plain blue.

Of course the answer was "yes" & here they are. I did add a rider "for your birthday Millie...OK?". I'm not entirely sure how they'll go down as a birthday gift but I'll keep you posted.
Way too much time invested into something you can purchase for next to nix at Target in my opinion but they certainly are made to order. The big girl drew & prepared the stars which were machine appliqued and also made a drawstring bag for the jarms. She saved me at least another hour & her work is most profesh.

PS: To the lovely people who said "yes" to my question yesterday. THANK YOU! I didn't expect such a fabulous response or such an amazing list of blogs. I will make up a proper link list so that everyone can easily navigate around your recommendations. It will be a fabulous resource for us all I think. x