You might remember ages ago I got all inspired by this lovely girl & layed out my PJ quilt on the carpet.
I had the very best intentions of actually stitching it up BUT all the pieces got in the way & I had to pile them up again. Once that was done I lost all enthusiasm & they have sat in a nice neat pile ever since.
I've been slowly working on my granny square quilt/blanket & everytime I go to make up a new square I lay all the blocks out to see what I've got & what I need (or don't).
Then I stack them all up again.
So yesterday I made this piecing "quiver". I'm quite pleased. I've just safety pinned them on & then rolled the whole affair up & stowed it under the table in the pool room.
Be lazy with me...
I just used an old double bed doona cover & a couple of broomsticks from the hardware.

I layed the stick on top of the doona & "measured" the casing for each side. Pin & machine stitch into place.

& for the ties along the centre fold (wrong side of doona cover). Pin & machine stitch into place.

Then I marked lines for a cot sized quilt & a single bed quilt

& just ran lines of stitching. The doona cover I used had lines already printed on it ... a stroke of accidental genius.

Once all the machining was complete I fed the broomsticks into their casings & then I pinned my blocks to the doona cover.

Note: there's overhang at the top which I just folded down when ready to roll.

I folded in half so that the sticks met

& then rolled the sticks toward the mid line.

I tied the ribbon loosely & stored.

Disclaimer: This method would not be recommended by serious quilters I am quite sure...but it works for me.
Also: if you know of anything similar to this please let me know - I'd like to check it out.