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while you're awake.
I don't remember my night time dreams often & I really wish I did.
So, I've done my best to recreate the dream during my waking hours & I thought I'd share.
Many of you know that I run (& run & run & run). I get up early & I don't miss a day.
I have my best ideas when I run & often if something has me stumped then the problem will be solved on the run too.
Serious athletes call it "The Zone". I don't care about peak performance or improving my time. I run to dream. What's more I don't think you need to run to dream awake.
Here are my tips:
-You need to make time.
-Get out in the fresh air.
-If you can run - do. If you're not a runner then walk.
-Unplug. People can't believe I don't listen to anything while I run but I reckon you need to let your mind go blank.
-Push it. I need to have gone about 5kms before the dream kicks in. For you it might be shorter (or longer).
-If your dream starts to turn into a nightmare...stop!
This is why I run. Not for glory, not for achieving personal bests, its for times like this when everything comes together creating a feeling like no other. I'm fully engaged, living in the moment, enjoying every moment. Knowing that this experience is repeatable is what keeps me going out for more. As I said at the start few sporting experiences can match running in The Zone. From here
I believe that the Good Lord gave us a finite number of heartbeats and I'm damned if I'm going to use up mine running up and down a street.
Neil Armstrong
Sorry Neil - I intend to use up every last beat on the run.
Are you moving it like mike?

OR maybe running with and/or supporting Jhoanna and Anna - they are both raising funds for their charity of choice?