I love my strip shopping centre.
Sure, there's an odd mix of shops & businesses. I confess I've only been into the Aquarium once but it is nice to know that if I decide I do want a goldfish I don't need to go to Shoppo. That place gives me a giant headache. I hate Coles & Safeway too. So many aisles, so many bulging shelves and yet only 2 choices of flour???
Wai & Rita are the Friendly Grocers. Their supermarket has only three aisles but the range is fabulous. Choices for everything. They carry a good range of organic bits and pieces and have plenty to cater for the Gluten Free too. When my babe's were tiny I used to leave the capsule at the counter with Wai & Rita while I buzzed up & down the aisle and now Wai lets the kids scan the shopping.
Clem owns the fruitshop just as his dad did before him & probably just as his sons will after him. There's always a happy mix of organic & non. They are always up for a chat & always offer to carry your shopping to your car.
A few years ago the butcher was taken over by Ralph & Anna. I'm "Kirst" at their place. They sell organic & biodynamic meats & we chat happily about the run and the kids. If Dave is working I can be assured of hearing about how terribly the Hawks are playing & whether or not Clarko should be sacked. I'm not really a follower of the Footy but he knows The Date is. He never forgets to ask about the run, the kids or The Date's handicap.
Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.
All this loveliness & the added bonus of supporting my own community.
I'm a suburban local & I wouldn't have it any other way.
PS: Yesterday's soup was fabulous! The little guy said that each mouthful was just like a little corn explosion in his mouth. Too much Masterchef?