the keys!
We made it back from the beach on Sunday without our house keys. We'd separated the car key to make things easier when we were down the beach & of course left Lonsdale without the house keys.
Luckily we'd left a spare key out in the garden so we could get ourselves, the kids, the dog & the overloaded car unpacked but we were locked out of the office (& the computer) & the laundry.
I feel I've forgotten more than just the keys in my rather hasty exit from Melbourne & this little patch of web space.
The reading list is long & I'm dying to find out what you've all been up to but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I think it's going to be a bit of a slow return. The wave of new posts is so inviting but the water feels a bit foreign & the view from the beach is pretty. I was forced to dip my toe in this afternoon to offer my congratulations & the water felt pretty good so I'll look forward to a few splashes in the shallows before I tackle the swell looming in deeper water.