I asked The Date to help me out & test my instructions for the Multi Tasker. It's going to be included in issue 11 of Mixtapezine & I really wanted to make sure that there were no glitches.
Far out...he did it & he multi tasked too!
...watched the footy, drank beer (2), crafted(!) & swore a bit.
At the end of the whole exercise I asked him how he went & he said "I EXPLETIVE hated it". Ha...he's a good sort.
You can see more multi tasker action here & Lara's wonderful multi tasker post here.
I've had a few people express interest in another multi tasker workshop. At this stage it's looking like being mid October. Are you interested? If so please email me: kootoyooATgmailDOTcom with MULTI TASKER in the subject line.