Our house is (hopefully) not going to require much in the way of heating. We're trying not to turn the heating on & have instead been snuggling under blankets in the evenings.
Whilst the granny blankets are excellent, they do make it hard to change the channel on the Teev or play playstation games or hook/stitch/knit (the plot thickens). I've got the little guy & the big girl ahead of me in line but I'm totally making myself one of these!

The first shoulder blanket fashioned for the smallest from the same old blanket used for the slippers & 1/2 a ball of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino which was lounging in the stash. I think it's a left over from when the big girl was granny squaring. I'm feeling pretty good about my $2 outlay at the Op Shop (& there's still enough for 1 more pair of slippers).
I wasn't sure if the yarn was going to make it all the way around the blanket & maths really isn't my strong suit. Luckily my brother in law was at our place, we did a quick calculation & figured I should just scrape it in. Just scrape is right...I think there's about 2 metres left.
Note to self: Figure out a much better, faster, less painful way to make the holes.