I like to stitch.
I like things to be useful.
Maybe you'd like to stitch with me? We'll work on a few basic stitches & then make an "x" bookmark to take home.
Maybe there's something else I've stitched that you like the look of? I can help you with that too.
Maybe you'd just like to come & have a natter & French Knot for three hours? Fine, great, love to see you. Just so you know you'll still get a little kit & supplies so plenty of bang for your buck.
It's all organised by Notebook & the classes are held at Amitie in Bentleigh.
Date: Saturday 28 August 9:00-12:00
I plan to focus on the bookmark at this class, but will of course be flexible.
You can book your tickets here.
There are other fabulous classes on offer. I'm seriously considering signing up for Andi's quilt as you go but there's something for everyone. View the August timetable here (we are on page 2).