hands - an ongoing project by me
I had planned a little TTFN post last Friday & then I kind of faded to black without warning...sorry.
It seems I've just slipped quietly into holiday mode...watching trash on the teev with my big girl.
It's been a big year & I'm looking forward to a bit of downtime. I'm going to take a bit of time off to really enjoy the break with the fam.
I might be back with a holiday something or I might not. I'm just going to let the summer of 2010/11 wash over me.
Thank you all for your very valuable contribution to this space during 2010. If you've read, commented, laughed or just nodded along...you're totally ace...it's why I keep showing up & hoping that maybe something in my sometimes-cheaty-sometimes-serious makings will make you want to make something too.
Have a safe & happy holiday...TTFN.