Dear FriendO,
Today I ran a long way.
I haven't been on the long run for a couple of weeks. Before the break I was afraid of stopping & last night as I drifted off to sleep I was afraid of starting again.
I certainly needed a little break from this space & I'm glad I had it but as I ran up the hill this morning (& thought I was actually going to die), I realised that if I didn't start again today I really never would.
I'm going to have to make the habit all over again...for me that's 21 days.
I'll probably bore you witless with drivel because to be honest I haven't made anything for ages...the machine's lying dormant...the hooks have cobwebs on them...and I frankly can't think of anything less appealing than a skein of floss...but I'm always planning & thinking & reworking.
Perhaps just think of the next 21 days as kootokoo rather than kootoyoo & I'll understand completely if you don't stop in.
Looking forward to another year with perhaps a bit less of the fear.
Thanks for being ace!