Sweet Fabric [Search results for deal Op Shop

  • Deal or no deal...

    Deal or no deal...

    OK - we have a start date for the house! We're beginning on January 21.

    This was just the kick in the pants I needed. I've done a huge job on the pool room & it's positively gleaming.

    I've taken 4 huge bags to the Op Shop.

    By now you probably all know just how much I love to play games. I've devised a way to pass on the thrifty love to you guys.

    I'm playing deal or no deal. I've got a few things to offer (just as an indication I photographed more than 5 things today). Some of the things are quite large & as such will only be open to Melbourne folk.

    I want it - what do I do?
    Comment DEAL on this post & the winner will be announced when I post the next "deal" offering.

    Once you've won you won't be able to "deal" with me again.

    What's the catch?
    The gravy train has got to end sometime & you never know when that will be. Wait too long & you might just miss out.

    Sheep are worldwide.

  • How to faker crochet cushion...

    How to faker crochet cushion...
    crochet cushion

    A little while ago I picked up these beautiful crochet cushion cover/cosy pieces at the Op Shop for the princely sum of $2 a piece!

    They are stunning & the work that has gone into making them...incredible. If you're all about the hook & proving your eye straining worth then go for it I say. You'll earn my respect.

    more pretty girly stuff

    BUT I'm all about the smoke & mirrors & figured I'd have a go at a bit of fakery based on the original.

    I love the combination of natural & white. I've used a thrifted/opped table cloth & a hotel grade (also opped) sheet. The sheet further adds to the fakeness of the whole deal as I didn't even have to hem the envelope closure.

    I ripped the sheeting to size & whipped a pair of these up in under 20 minutes. I figured this bit of magic might be something you guys would like to have a crack at. I think that they would make excellent Christmas gifts.

    The Date hates the pretty girly lights, hates the TV cabinet & chair but surprisingly doesn't mind the cushions! He still thinks the room's too girly but I'm not convinced. I prefer fresh.
    Faker crochet cushion
    View more presentations from kootoyoo.