Sweet Fabric [Search results for hard rubbish

  • It pays to run early...

    It pays to run early...
    Office Chair

    The run has been lucrative recently. I've had a wonderful couple of weeks scouting good stuff from hard rubbish.

    This office chair is Swiss made. It does have a little worn patch on one arm but I'm not at all concerned about that & if I do decide it warrants patching...I've bookmarked this.

    The cushion is by Aunty Cookie. You can buy them ready made or buy the letterhead craft panel & you'll be able to make your own & a glasses case too.

  • Framing...


    with feeling.

    I've been slowly collecting from Etsy for the new ranch (if it ever starts). I've been buying from artists I "know". Please Sir had some good stuff to say on this subject.

    I purchased these from Bricolagelife. I love them & today on the run I picked up this old cupboard door from the hard rubbish.

    I like it, I think that the frame honours the creator. I'm pretty confident she'll be happy with my choice.

    I'm just trying to figure out how to "adhere" them without spoiling the beautiful images.

  • My Melbourne ...

    My Melbourne ...

    Have you seen something at my place that you like?

    I've made a lot of stuff, hacked & re-worked a lot of stuff, found a lot of stuff & of course bought a lot of stuff too.

    Some of the places I've made purchases over the years are listed here (in no particular order except to say that most of my favourite pieces have come from Step Back).

    Step Back
    Youngs Auctions
    Camberwell Antique Centre
    Camberwell Market
    Maling Road Antiques
    Smith Street Bazaar
    20th Century Scandinavia
    Arthurs Circus
    Simon Ancher
    The Works
    The Mill Markets
    Op Shops
    Hard rubbish
    Family "rescues"

    & online
    Etsy (including but not limited to)...
    Aunty Cookie, Loobylu, Bricolagelife, Vandalized Vintage, Tsk Tsk, Red Pepper Quilts, Meet me at mikes, Bellalulu, Yardage Design, Lil Sonny Sky, Gemma Jones
    ... for prints, soft furnishings & small vintage pieces.

  • Enjoying...


    I'm chucking out a lot of stuff, it's hard rubbish in our neighbourhood.

    north sun...
    My favourite time of year in the family room.

    earl grey...
    A gift from someone nice.

    A fabulous little cookbook put together by a group of very dedicated people to benefit those affected by the Black Saturday bushfires. You can purchase a copy here (all proceeds to the Salvation Army).