Sweet Fabric [Search results for testing

  • Noticing - that I'm still noticing...

    Noticing - that I'm still noticing...

    Today marks the return to school for the smalls.

    I really enjoyed the Noticing project and plan to continue it. Maybe quietly on Flickr & maybe here too...we'll see.

    I'm back into the swing of all things crafty too. Amazingly, I'm following instructions. Usually, I would have a look, read ahead, cut corners where I could & sort of adapt the instructions to suit my style. I probably wouldn't have bothered with the tracing & just hacked straight into the original pattern...oh horror!

    But as I've been charged with testing responsibility I thought I better do it right!

    Noticed elsewhere:
    divine knitted beanie

  • How to make a drawstring bag ...

    How to make a drawstring bag ...

    My product testing phase of the "Tea Bag" drawstring bag is complete. I thought I'd share the how to as I rated the little soap saver bag very highly.

    It's easy to make
    & a fabulous gift idea
    & increases the life of your soap
    & encourages thriftyness

    It's a bit fancier than my original & really there's no need for the "tea" at all. I think that they'd look gorgeous made out of vintage sheets or lovely new fabric too.

    I like it & you might too.
    How To Make A Drawstring BagView SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

    View tutorial at full screen by clicking the screen icon in the bottom right corner.

    I've also hosted a PDF version of the drawstring bag tutorial.

    I'll be back later with my happy.

  • How to stop an avocado going brown!...

    How to stop an avocado going brown!...

    This morning while I was shopping for fruit & veg a lovely lady offered some advice.

    "Do you know that if you leave the stone from the avocado in the centre of your salad it stops the avocado browning?"

    No I did not know! I knew about the lemon thing but had never heard this before. Did you?

    I'm taking a green salad to a mates for lunch today. Normally I would cut & toss the avocado through just before serving but today I'm testing out this little gem of a home hint.

    I'll edit the post later with the findings.

    Edited to add:
    I made my green salad at 11am & the stone remained in the centre of the salad until we ate lunch around 2:30pm. The avocado had not browned at all! I don't know how or why this worked but it did!

  • Test pattern...

    Test pattern...

    Just out of the machine. Proving that the best way to find stuff out is to have a go!

    Pretty excited about this.