Sweet Fabric + This is

This is ... me pre 1985

Mmmm stylish!

Actually this is me (centre) in 1985 with my brother & sister. Photo courtesy of The Marlboro Man (TRUE & a Celebrity Sighting).

Trevor ‘Butch’ Lemke (’56) recently visited the School. Trevor has lived in Thailand for 14 years where he is a professional photographer. Many of his photos feature the exotic Thai landscape and are used in travel books and brochures. Trevor was the last ‘Marlboro Man’ in 1975 and featured as the Cleo centerfold in January 1976! Great Scot.

I didn't know (or remember the bit about the Cleo centrefold). Thank you Google!

For Angela because she's ace & because Flashback Friday was lots of fun.

I haven't forgotten my tags & I promise them for this week!

Flashback, and more:

This is ... me pre 1985 + This is