House stuff
Since I posted the plans things have gone a bit off the rails. I'm not getting ahead of myself. Just focusing on breathing in & out when there is mention of the house.
Small stuff
Fabwic stitching in progress.
A note which reads: Mum tell me where my camera is.
Beautiful stuff
My print from Geninne arrived yesterday from sunny Mexico - even the stamps are beautiful!
I'm nearly beside myself over Geninne's Bird. I love it so much.
A little ACEO I bought from here also arrived in the mail. It's gorgeous. I'm on the hunt for Brown ACEOs if anyone has any tips.
We've picked up some new players this week. Stop in & say Hi. You can find them on the player list here. That's also the place to post a comment if you'd like to join in. I'll be updating the list regularly.
On my desk... Wednesday has a Flickr too if you'd like to send pics this is the group.
Finally if you would like an On my desk... button for your blog this is the code:
<a href=" http://kootoyoo.blogspot.com/"><img src="//farm4.static.flickr.com/3141/2607211450_e50e1fc40b.jpg?v=0"/></a>
Just copy & paste the above code into your sidebar & if you don't want to...that's fine too.