Sweet Fabric + TIME

The beauty of the 'burbs...update

I had to delete the post from yesterday, I tried to edit it & there must have been something wrong with the code. I figured it was the universe telling me not to post that map so I deleted it.

So that freak running in the all together did actually put the wind up me a bit. Today my run took me just about as far away from that park as it is possible to get on foot & without a compass.

I still think it is hilarious that anyone would get their kicks running without pants but now I'm feeling annoyed that I've allowed the idiot to get to me.

I reckon it'll be a good few weeks before I'll be in that neck of the woods again. I'll be spending much time here re-working some of my favourites.

good, making me laugh, NOT making me laugh, running, and more:

The beauty of the 'burbs...update + TIME