We made these hand pieced hexagon shaped pincushions a few weeks ago at Brown Owls. They are a great way to use up scraps or tiny samples of favourite fabrics. Not surprisingly, I've used vintage pillowcase fabric for this.
The original project came from a vintage children's craft book, "How to make and do 100 new things". If you ever spot a copy in an Op Shop or second hand bookshop buy it - it's pure gold!

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Tutorial as a slide show (best viewed at full screen via my Slideshare). You can just click & stitch, click & stitch.
It's been a while since I've used powerpoint & I can tell you there was much swearing. But I think well worth the effort in the end.
Download this kootoyoo how to... as a PDF (including templates).
Thank you to my crafty kick in the pants. You're ace!
See all my click & stitch make a pincushion projects.