So...I was planning a move away from blogger but you know, I've worked pretty hard in this space for a while now & it seemed a bit like going back to square one. The main reason I was considering a shift was that was the flash commenty systems going on elsewhere.
I've been enjoying the friendly chat over on twitter & was hoping to get something like that going on.
I'm trialling JS-kit comments which seems to be pretty good.
However ... I did transfer my comments from blogger yesterday afternoon so anyone who left a comment last night or today - your comment had disappeared. They are still saved behind the scenes in blogger & if I dump JS they will magically reappear. I'm sorry girls.
Anyway, let's try it out for a few days & make a call after that.
Note: All those trial comments are live on this post. Feedback most welcome.
EDIT: Oh seems as though all previous comments are not properly readable. Need tech support.
UPDATE: I think I'm going to keep on keeping on. I can always reload original template tomorrow morning.