Sweet Fabric + TIME

Knowing your limitations...

You've got to know when to hold them....
Know when to fold them...
Know when to walk away...
Know when to run...

OR just because you "can" doesn't mean you should!

I made this little guy for Craft Hope found via Loobylu.

The idea really touched me & I so wanted my doll to be utterly gorgeous & super squishy & cuddly. In an effort to make him "perfect" I decided to follow a pattern (this was mistake number 1). His arms & legs are way too long & his head is way too small & I had to stuff him too firmly so that his neck didn't flop. The only thing I like about this doll is his hair treatment which I made up!

My second mistake was using super soft expensive looking (but op shop purchased) stretch fabric which I then had to retrospectively interface! YIKES.

My obsessive, competitive nature won't allow me to be beaten (I prefer to think of it as "never say die").

I know I should run & leave this sort of thing to super clever people who actually have some talent (& for the time it's taken me I'd have been better purchasing from them & posting):

Jhoanna :: her shop
Fiona :: her shop
Victoria :: her shop
Michelle :: her shop

I've already cut out & interfaced & started the embroidery for my "no pattern" doll. I really hope he works!

clever people, good links, hope, MAD, Oops, and more:

Knowing your limitations... + TIME