Sweet Fabric + TIME

A week of special stuff...

Pip's hosting a week of special stuff.

I am trying to be less about the "stuff". Only about half our current haul of stuff is going to move with us when the new house is ready. This absolutely makes the cut. It's a Redwork friendship quilt made for my great grandmother by Canadian hands.

Made all the more special by of all the women who contributed their stitches and time. I love to run my fingers over those stitches and imagine the women who sat and stitched these blocks. So different from my own life and yet so very much the same.

Did you know that stitches are like signatures? Historians can tell which of the stitches were stitched by Hilda and Joan and Merle!

embroidery, friends, LIFE, love, MAD, special, and more:

A week of special stuff... + TIME