Sadly still in the old ranch. I've managed to clear myself about half the kitchen table to work away on some photo album covers.
I purchased a pile of photo albums still in plastic wrap from the Op Shop/Thrift Store a few weeks ago & I've got a little embellishment plan for the covers.
In the space are...
the albums
my washout marker *
a polaroid I've hacked up to make a template
a beautiful tin full of old floss (which was gifted to me during the week by a lovely friend)
my pincushion (one of) **
*Same brand as the fadeout marker from last week. Both are Clover - not from any brand loyalty but just because that was what was available. I will say that the fadeout fades VERY fast.
**You can make a pincushion like this one in about 15 minutes. See my how to here.
Visit last weeks favourite space here.
Don't forget to pop in and add your link if you're playing along this week.