Here's the how to for my wrist cuff. This cuff makes an excellent gift & is a fairly quick & easy project.
You should be able to pick up vinyl off cuts from your local hardware or flooring shop.
Obviously you could stitch text or basic images using the same technique. Just be careful not to make your design too detailed...you'll drive yourself crazy.
How To Make a Wrist Cuff - faux wood & embroidered.View more presentations from kootoyoo.
- You can pick up the print friendly PDF tutorial here...
how to make a wrist cuff
I'm planning on doing more "how to" posts this year. I've made myself a rule ... but it's a bit early to say if I'll stick to it. I really enjoy making them & it's all about keeping me motivated.
OR maybe you'd like to come to a HAC workshop to make it with me? If I get enough interest I'll go ahead.
Date: Saturday 6th February 1-5pm
Venue: Balwyn TBC
Cost: $55 includes all materials & refreshments
Email: to register your interest kootoyooATgmailDOTcom with HAC 6th February in the subject line.