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You might remember last year I made the perfect bag for a friend. Well, this is my perfect bag but it's also for a friend. I plan to make myself one over the weekend! I based the bag on one I already owned...a very nasty op shopped piece of rubbish but with great bones.

I love the way the embroidery finished up & I've added the bright red zip to keep things interesting.
Everything came together really well except the flaming zip! That thing drove me nuts. I've got a "can do" attitude & I'm pretty confident with zips but really sewing a zip into a curve (& then trying to top stitch) proved impossible.
I ended up unpicking the top stitching. You know that rule about cooking something new for a dinner party? Well it's the same for gifts for friends, I've discovered. I'm pretty sure that she won't mind though.

Just a peek of the vintage sheet lining.
worn across the body, single strap, slouchy, soft
tick, tick, tick, tick
(with the added bonus of being machine washable)
I hope she likes it too.