Sorry for being a tease. Quite a few people had guessed they were slippers anyway so I don't feel too awful.
I really didn't mean it, they just took so long to make up. Stitched entirely by hand over the Easter break & finished off in haste this afternoon so I could snap a couple of pics in the fading light.
I think that I probably could have achieved a very similar effect by sewing them up on the machine (in around 15 minutes)!
I do feel enormously proud of them though & maybe I wouldn't have if I whipped them up on the Janome?

The embroidered embellishment came about because after I'd stitched the first slipper I noticed the blanket was almost worn through on the soul. I did a bit of decorative darning to buy a bit of time & liked the way it looked so much that I've added it to the top of the slippers as well.
So there you have it... Urchin Mary Jane slippers fashioned from an old blanket.