I am so enjoying my Tuesday morning with Auntie Pat. Although I am enjoying the knitting it's really not about that at all.
Last week we talked about Politics, lucky babies, lucky mothers, great coats, perceived inappropriate behaviour and Woolcraft Nominees* and Fantasy 8 yarn. Do you remember Fantasy 8? Are you old enough?
When the conversation turned to Fantasy 8, Auntie Pat went to retrieve her "blog". An unassuming little book. Long and thin with dog eared pages. A green marbled cover and partially perished canvas tape binding.
I knew before the first page was turned that I was going to love this body of work. It's a catalog you see, of patterns. Patterns written by Auntie Pat. Each and everyone numbered. From 1 to 1072!
And don't you worry about the original patterns. They are all filed in ring binders. In plastic pockets. In sequential order from 1 to 1072!

I have no idea what a cocktail tunic is but I know I want to make one.
*Woolcraft was Auntie Pat's shop (chain actually). They had yarn stores around Melbourne from the 60s-80s.