Beris is the best name ever!
I picked up a gorgeous embroidered table cloth at Camberwell Antiques last week.
It's got a lovely collection of names embroidered all around it...
Mildred, Gloria, Wendy, Beris, Phyllis, Helen, Pauline, Noelle, Joni, Paddy, Vonnie, Trish, Isabelle, Paul, Beverley, Anita, Besse, Mara, Jean, Norma, Fay, Grace, Lesley, Jenny, Kath, Elvie, Glenda & the four Margs (S, T, B & N).
It's just the most beautiful piece of work. I wonder if these folk were card players (the cloth is card table size) or maybe a church group?
& did you see my other fabulous vintage find?