Sweet Fabric [Search results for On my desk

  • On my desk ...

    On my desk ...

    I'm attempting to tidy up the bombsite that was once my lovely pool room. It's amazing how quickly things turn ugly.

    I'm an all or nothing girl & today is going to be about the all. All about cleaning & tidying & sorting (maybe a bit about the opping too).

    on my desk today:

    • a little glimpse of mike's storybook wallet

    • the new issue of mixtape zine - yep that's my page

    • op shopped fabric (with selvedge!)

    • op shopped clover carbon paper

    • couple of op shopped patterns

    • op shopped coffee maker. I really didn't need this but too cute to leave behind.

    • a stack of op shopped pillowcases

    • cute as a button squirrel tile. It's backed with MDF but I'm betting it's stamped "JAPAN".

    • empty yoghurt container which is destined for greater things - I hope!

    • op shopped cotton lycra to make more undies.

    On my desk...the players

    On my desk...the guaranteed update list.

    To be sure to be included on this list you need to link back here in the body of your post. This is not a cheap trick to ensure linkage (I don't care if you never link). BUT it is the only way I know for sure that you're still playing along & I'm trying really hard to get around to everyone on this list. Thanks.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    Oops...I missed it.

    This is what was on my desk yesterday.

    - Op Shopped seersucker
    - Op Shopped books. Some of those colouring book pages will make great embroidery.
    - Op Shopped apple salt & pepper shakers. I think that they look a bit halloweenish actually.
    - Combi van in progress. The big girl is making it for her book report on "The Floods".

    On my desk...the players
    On my desk...fresh updates

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    absolutely flat out.

    Sorry for being so absent. I'm hoping I'll be crazy busy from now until Christmas BUT that doesn't leave much time for this little patch.

    On my desk today:

    pencils for little tins of drawing fun. Don't they look wonderful. They make me want to dig out the Derwents. I seem to remember this girl still has hers from childhood.

    On my desk...the players

    On my desk...freshly updated

    See you soon.

  • On my desk...pencil cup

    On my desk...pencil cup

    Wednesday is my big work day. I get all dressed up & go to work in a proper office & do grown up responsible type jobs. I spend my day at a proper grown up desk which is white & clean.

    My desk at home is nothing like that. There is a passing parade of interesting bits & pieces crossing it daily. It goes through various stages of tidiness. Sometimes immaculate & sometimes so messy that the slightest bump or over roll with the desk chair sends a pile of papers cascading to the floor. It's not too bad at the moment.

    Last year I had Lolly day on a Wednesday which I loved but there are only so many lollies you can consume in a lifetime & I'm trying to cut back.

    Anyway, I'm going to play On my desk... on a Wednesday.

    Another lovely blogger has said she is going to play along & I'd love you all to join in - it's fun to peek in at other people's stuff "au naturale".

    There will be no setting up - but I do reserve the right to move anything that's in the way (like the aforementioned pile of paper). Let me know if you'll have a crack at this with me.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    It's been a productive week on my desk this week.

    There is more stuff off the desk than on it which I'm pretty excited about because it has given me the chance to begin my Matryoshka.

    I'm approaching this project with a bit more care than usual. I'm not sure why - maybe it's the size of the dolls. There has been a lot of planning, thinking, and now sampling. I think I'm almost there.

    Joining On my desk...? It's lovely to have you - let me know so I can stop in and say Hi.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    House stuff
    Since I posted the plans things have gone a bit off the rails. I'm not getting ahead of myself. Just focusing on breathing in & out when there is mention of the house.

    Small stuff
    Fabwic stitching in progress.
    A note which reads: Mum tell me where my camera is.

    Beautiful stuff
    My print from Geninne arrived yesterday from sunny Mexico - even the stamps are beautiful!
    I'm nearly beside myself over Geninne's Bird. I love it so much.

    A little ACEO I bought from here also arrived in the mail. It's gorgeous. I'm on the hunt for Brown ACEOs if anyone has any tips.

    We've picked up some new players this week. Stop in & say Hi. You can find them on the player list here. That's also the place to post a comment if you'd like to join in. I'll be updating the list regularly.

    On my desk... Wednesday has a Flickr too if you'd like to send pics this is the group.

    Finally if you would like an On my desk... button for your blog this is the code:

    <a href=" http://kootoyoo.blogspot.com/"><img src="//farm4.static.flickr.com/3141/2607211450_e50e1fc40b.jpg?v=0"/></a>

    Just copy & paste the above code into your sidebar & if you don't want to...that's fine too.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    Fresh new desk this week.

    I'm loving the pool room. It's utterly fabulous. It's lovely & neat at the moment, but I know it won't last.

    On my desk this week:

    more granny squares just waiting for the girls.
    my hand pieced pincushion
    lovely wooden apple (it's all about apples at the moment).

    On my desk...the players

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    There has been a bit of layering happening on my desk this week. All the stuff from last week is still there but there have been a few additions.

    Grey wool for a new softie project.
    Inspiration 3 which I printed this morning & read while I ate my toast. Erin has done a terrific job.
    This gorgeous Yellena print which arrived in the mail this week is resting up against the pile of craft books from last week. She is currently at Poppytalk Handmade with lots of lovely prints to buy. This is my favourite.
    The packaging from my most recent online purchase. They know a thing or two about presentation - let me tell you!

    If you are new to On my desk...let me know so I can stop by.

  • On my desk - the players...

    1/4 of an inch
    3 red buttons
    62 cherry
    a little bird told me
    air: work in progress
    Aprons & Hammers
    Art with a Soul
    August Street
    Beaded Lady
    Betty in the Kitchen
    Big Cats Emporium
    Boobook Sausage Dogs
    Bridget's Flame
    Bug and Pop
    Cassandra Allen
    Celestina Carmen
    Cloud Cakes
    Collective Elements
    Cooking my Life
    Crafty Doodads
    crafty remix: djbebe
    Creating Nunde
    Curly Pops
    Daily dose of inspiration
    Daisy Chain
    Daydream Lily
    Dear Fii
    Design for Mankind
    details homegoods
    Dragonflies eat Mosquitoes
    Earl & Cookie
    Edward & Lilly
    flutterby patch
    etc etc
    going green
    Growing Together
    G.R.Y.B at home
    Hanna's Life is Cool
    her heart my hands
    Honi Design
    Hop Skip Jump
    if only i had chocolate
    janene renee
    Jelly Baby Blog
    Jogirl's Journey
    Judy's Notebook
    kerri's provincial patch
    Kimberly Michelle
    Kittys Kaboodle
    Knit Owl
    Last Stop Muse
    Laugh Out Loud Dolls
    Lauren Williams Handmade
    Leni and Rose
    Lilli Boo
    little letters
    Made by Molly
    Mainichi Design
    Meet me at Mikes
    Miss Muggins
    mon petit lapin
    monda loves
    musings from the fish bowl
    No life without wife
    no pod
    One Girl
    One Red Robin
    Pigeon Pair
    pink licorice life
    Pint's Palette
    planet treasures
    Pot aux roses
    Precarious Tomato
    Project Incomplete
    puddle wonderful
    Recuperation of Nathalie Brault
    Roots and Leaves
    September Bird
    Sew What
    Shabby Chicken
    Silly Gilly
    Slip cover Diva
    Strawberry Kisses
    Strawberry Season
    Studio Window
    Super Monkey
    Teacups on Treetops
    Teddy Bears Wednesday
    Textilosophy Oz
    turtle club queen
    The Crafty Librarian
    The Essess
    Twenty Cent Mixture
    Two Cheese Please
    The acorn collective
    The Bird Bath
    The Lark
    The Monday Project
    The Natchbox
    Thimbly Things
    Thousand Threads
    Three Buttons
    tis rhubarb
    Tissue papers
    TreeFall Design
    truth be told
    tsk tsk
    vanilla pixie
    wide eyed wonderfuls
    you SEW girl
    your cover's blown

    On my desk... is posted on a Wednesday. It's just a shot of your desk & maybe a bit of banter. Let us know what you're working on or what interesting bits & pieces have crossed your desk during the week.

    There is a wonderful blog here - sharing the desks & creative spaces of really clever creative folk. I only found out about this blog after the Wednesday thing began...

    Our Wednesday gig is just a bit of fun.

    Comment on this post if you decide to play along & I'll add you to the link list.

    This list will be updated frequently so feel free to join at any time.

    There is no obligation at all - post when you feel like it. Just super casual & a bit of fun.

    Button Code if you'd like it:

    <a href=" http://kootoyoo.blogspot.com/"><img src="//farm4.static.flickr.com/3141/2607211450_e50e1fc40b.jpg?v=0"/></a>

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    Another explosion.

    & Endings

    An abundance of dear fii & how cool is that softie? Collaboration between myself & the big girl. It's "The Hearse Whisperer" from The Floods. She morphs into a bird when you flip her skirt.

    On my desk...the players
    On my desk...fresh updates

  • On my desk - the fat lady...

    On my desk - the fat lady...

    On my desk...

    reminder postcards
    the handmade edition of Mankind Mag
    a bit of tiny stitching
    a swizzle ring
    a little fat lady singing

    This is the week of endings.

    I closed the comments for On my desk...the players over the weekend.

    I thank you all for playing along & letting us all have a snoop at your desks. It's been fun.

    I've got another fun game to play. A few lovely girls played the teaser last week & I'm hoping you'll all play along with the next one. It is supersonically good!

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    ...really what's on my spot.

    I've been roving this week. I'm in search of sun &/or warmth. I'm putting it down to the harsh reality of Melbourne winter after a few days in Darwin.

    So...on my spot this week.

    The beginnings of a new crafty project.

    The hair issue of mankind mag.

    & the last of the mother's little helper chocolate.

    On my desk...the players.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    A fair bit of a mess really including:

    1. Some very good tools
    2. Ribbon for packaging my really super serious & extremely valuable jewellery.
    3. My folder full of patterns & how to's - Some my own & some belonging to other people. It's out because I just filed my Knicker Pattern away. Watch that space if you want to make your own knickers from old t-shirts - genius.

    Nice Desks: here, here & here.

    On my desk ... the players.

    & an insider tip: I know that the list is getting very long & not everyone posts all the time which is absolutely fine but if you want to know for certain who has posted an up-to-date desk see here.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    are lots of new bits & pieces.

    The article from yesterday featuring lovely Pip.

    The preliminary drawings for our big & exciting something (I haven't reduced the image so you can have a snoop & just see what that room on the right is - it makes me quite squirmy- eeeek).

    A lovely Loobylu parcel in the post today & waiting on my desk when I got home from work.

    My luscious crown the girls made me last year. The small crowned me when I was at the computer last night.

    Blank Matryoshka. I've been wanting to have a crack at a set of these for a while now. This lovely girl is working on a set too.

    The remains of the crochet baby blanket that the small has slept with, watched TV with & basically carted around with her for her entire life. It's name is Huky & it's the most revolting, manky old bit of string but loved more than anything! Jess will appreciate its importance.

    All sorts of other little books, knick knacks & crafty supplies.

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts on my community post from yesterday - they have been greatly appreciated.

    Please excuse the awful pic - this daylight saving thing has thrown me a bit.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    Wednesday is usually my work day. This week I've swapped to Thursday & I've got to say it feels a little weird.

    I've relocated the desk to my spot & I'm boy-meets-girl crafting up a storm. I'm hoping to stay in the uggs all day.

    So in my spot:

    a bit of tin can craft. Phase 2 of the music box.
    & yikes...Jude's notebook arrived. I'm kicking off the international leg of her notebook project.

    On my desk...the players.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    Actually just off my desk.

    More pillowcase craft.

    Garment bag constructed to protect that sparkly, fandangly (& grossly overpriced) rhythmic gym leotard & matching routine music bag (to hold CDs).

    Off for more of the same now.

    New desks this week ... The Essess and The Crafty Librarian.

    On my desk...the players.

    PS: I've been a bit half baked I know but I'm waving at you all from the car window & planning a clicketty trip tonight.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    it's been a BIG workday today.

    I'm on the fly - I've got a hot date with some crafty chicks tonight.

    On my desk...

    cookies, kittens & owlish bits.

    Any new On my deskers? Let me know if you're playing too.

    Update: lots & lots of lovely bloggers are playing. I'm out all day - will update the link list tonight. Thanks for playing & thanks to Angela for being my crafty kick in the pants.

  • my creative space...

    my creative space...

    I'm craving a bit of routine.

    I really loved on my desk in 08. It kept me motivated & kept things neat (OK neatish) around the ranch. The management got in the way of the fun but I think I've found the answer.

    This year I'm playing my creative space which allows for the roving workspace so many of us enjoy. Details of this weeks offering here.

    Each Thursday I'm going to post an image of what's in progress either on my desk, in my spot, on the sofa, desktop, at the kitchen table...whatever. If you'd like to play along & find some new blogs along the way then you just need to post & then pop into my creative space post for the day & paste your post URL into the auto link widget - it will do all the work for us (I hope). What it really means is that all the obligation is taken away... it's an easy game to play & if you're in one week & out the next that's absolutely fine. Everyone will know exactly who has played each week. Sounds simple enough? Keep everything crossed OK.

    I'll test to make sure it's working in a second. I've tested & would you believe it - it works. Yip to the pee!

    Here's a button if you're into that sort of thing...

    & the code too...

    <a href=" http://kootoyoo.blogspot.com/"><img src="//farm4.static.flickr.com/3542/3524211463_7a76c33326.jpg?v=1242113746"/></a>

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    still more of the north sun. I'm soaking up every drop while it lasts.

    Something old (the swappies)
    Something borrowed (the peek of quilted star)
    SomethingS new....

    Jodie & I met quite by accident at the Design Market on Sunday & how lucky was I? Jodie had one of her darling little birds for me. It's so gorgeous - thank you.

    Nikki's kit which I won recently on her blog. It's for the puffy purse. I'd had grand plans of making it last weekend & didn't get to it....I'm looking forward to the date with my machine - thanks Nikki.

    & something blue (the left over 12 ply from my crack at these crochet flowers).

    On my desk...the players.

    Still undecided about the flaming dresses... thanks for your input - I'll keep you posted.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    - Swizzle sticks & pretty drink coasters from here. Found via this post.
    - So much Paintergirl goodness from here.
    - a soppy, girly movie on the portable DVD.

    Ah...so much to love about the pool room.

    Today it looks more like a bar!

    We know all about my love of the pretty drink & my bar is my pride & joy. So it's not a giant leap that I'd be interested in a swizzle stick too.

    I've been spending a lot of time looking at swizzle sticks. Last week I was trying to make a base for a fabric application from a swizzle stick. It didn't really work the way I wanted it too. I did end up making a pretty good ring though.

    On my desk...the players