Sweet Fabric [Search results for a photo a day

  • Care less...

    Care less...
    Care less

    I live in a nice street in a nice suburb with carefully maintained nature strips.

    So it comes as a shock when home owners don't care less.

    Hanging over from summer. Yup...my nature strip, but I actually think it looks quite beautiful.

    A photo a day.

  • Handpainted dolls...

    Handpainted dolls...

    Today my niece is 3. This is Milly.

    I wanted to give her something really special.

    A few months ago Jennie joined in with My Creative Space. I fell quite in love with her hand painted dolls & asked her to make a "Milly" doll. I sent a photo to Jennie, the next week I spotted Milly's lips on Jennie's post & the very next day she was in the mail.

    Milly phoned to let us know that Milly doll had arrived & she loves her. She thinks her pretty long socks are wonderful & has asked her Mum for a pair.

    Jennie makes to order, she dyes the face fabric herself, handpaints the faces & makes the dolls using fabric of sentimental value. I'm a sucker for a bit of sentiment so this is right up my alley.

    All images have been taken from Jennie's flickr.
    Jennie's shop here.
    Jennie's blog here.

  • Delicious candy coated chocolate...

    Delicious candy coated chocolate...
    Delicious Candy Coated Chocolate

    I started taking some suburban photos earlier in the year...then black saturday happened & wandering around snapping pics of my neighbourhood just seemed trivial.

    So, when I saw that Megan was going to post a photo a day for the month I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to finish what I started. This one is especially for Gemma.

  • 30 days of the everyday - Day 29...

    30 days of the everyday - Day 29...

    We call this the "shaving sink". It's not really a bathroom & not really a powder room.

    I have named the quirky little spaces in our house. We have a "utilities cupboard" which is a disused shower & a "service porch" which is the little 1m square area outside the kitchen door. It makes the ranch sound pretty grand doesn't it? I can assure you it's just a 1960 cream brick.

    And another thing... the photo on the wall isn't me. I can only dream.

  • History...


    The photo I posted the other day is a photo of a disused swimming pool.

    It is part of The Connault retirement apartments in Balwyn.

    The house was built by draper Oliver Gilpin in the 1930s & named Idlewylde.

    I've got a pretty good imagination & I lose myself for hours thinking & dreaming about what it must have been like when it was built & used.

  • The remains of the day...

    The remains of the day...

    photo.jpg, originally uploaded by kootoyoo.

    The no internet thing has worn off pretty quick! I'm a touch typist and this pointer finger typing is just beyond a joke.

    I'm wearing my poker face about the whole market thing but I will say that I may have made a few purchases and chatted with some lovely local folk and plenty of Melbourne girls too. Sorry about the lack of links folks but it's all about the pointer finger y'know.

    Yesterday was very productive on the house front and began pulling something apart ... The image above is part of it's inners ... care to offer a guess?

  • Reflection...

    butterfly reflection

    I took this pic last week as part of the photo a day (which I've totally dropped the ball on). I have been taking daily pics but not the suburban shots I wanted to...sorry Megan.

    I wanted to say a big giant thank you to all you lovely folk who left comments & even posted about my spool holder. I'm so grateful for the giant springboard that this space, the commenters, the blogs I visit & the casual passers by provide. You keep me wanting to try harder, be better & make more.

  • Working in red...

    the list has been updated.

    Back later with my first photo a day.

  • Today I ran on autopilot...

    Today I ran on autopilot...

    Friday is my big run day. The route begins the same as my regular run & then instead of turning back for home I continue & turn & wind & weave.

    Autopilot is so weird. I often arrive at places I've driven to with no recollection of how I got there. I haven't had that experience running until today. I turned for home when I should have kept going so I ended up running an extra kilometre. Then the butterfly effect...

    I was 6 minutes later getting to the garbage run. So I ran 1 km playing tag with the garbos inhaling fumes & garbage stench - yuck!

    I was later getting to Camberwell which meant my coffee shop man was in full swing & I wanted to stop.

    I was later getting to the main roads & I discovered that 6 minutes makes a big difference to the amount of traffic on the road.

    I was later getting home which meant I got caught in the rain - YAY. Rain is my absolute favourite thing in the whole world. I love it even more now because we never get it.

    Image taken by Pip. This is my favourite rainy day photo.

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    More shots from Jessie Jamieson's Warburton trip.

    I've spent a bit of time in modern day Warburton because of the Trailwalker & these old images just make the place seem even more magical.

    I'm going over to check if Bricolagelife has posted another gorgeous Found photo.