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  • HAC craft session...

    HAC craft session...

    HAC by kootoyoo on Polyvore.com

    As is the way with these types of events, I've had a couple of people withdraw for various reasons.

    I've got three places available for the session that will be run on Saturday 18 July from 1-5pm.

    We're meeting in Balwyn to make the multi tasker pictured above.

    The multi tasker is a book like crafting tool:

    -When open & flat the outside cover acts as an ironing board
    -The inside front cover is sandpaper to assist with tracing onto fabric
    -The inside back cover is the cutting mat
    & the middle "page" is a leatherette which protects table surfaces from scratching & also has a felt like surface which "grabs" the fabric to assist with piecing.

    You can purchase a very similar item commercially for around $75.

    We will be constructing the multi tasker from largely recycled materials (obviously the cutting mat & the sandpaper are new).

    The cost for the session is $50 which includes all materials and something to eat & drink.

    If you'd like to join us please visit the HAC shop here.

  • Hand piecing...

    Hand piecing...

    is good for the soul.

    In preparation for tonight's Brown Owls get together I've been doing some hand piecing.

    It's hugely satisfying to examine your perfectly pressed hand pieced work. I think this progress pic looks so pretty. You could never get the back of anything machined to look that good or sit that flat.

    Normally I'm all about the speedy quick but I've really been enjoying the handwork I've been doing lately. It keeps me upstairs with the date at night & it's portable. I've been multi-tasking at the kids gym, football, soccer & at family events too.

  • On the ninth day of Christmas...

    On the ninth day of Christmas...

    my true love sent to me:

    9 bad jokes
    8 plates for turkey
    7 twinkling lights
    6 stuffed mushies
    5 glowing gifts
    4 waiting sacks
    3 chrissy trees
    2 drinks with bubbles
    & a sp...i...i...i...i...ng santa

    You've gotta love a Christmas cracker. Tacky trinkets, dorky hats & bad jokes read out by drunk, dodgy relatives.

    We are lucky. We don't have to get together with any undesirables on Christmas day.

    I do get a good giggle out of the stories told by my brother & his gorgeous wife about some of the goings on at their Christmas events. I kind of wish I had a few stories of my own...

  • How to: wrapped tealights...

    How to: wrapped tealights...

    The wedding on Saturday was a real group effort.

    Friends of the bride & groom shared their talents and helped out with cake decorating, invitations, photography & personalised chocolates as place settings!

    I had a hand in the centrepieces for the tables. They looked beautiful and created a lovely romantic ambient glow. These are just perfect if you're planning a DIY wedding because they can be made well ahead of time.

    The glasses were picked up for 50 cents a piece at local op shops. We chose to wrap in bamboo which had a lovely sheen & looked very pretty in the daylight.

    wrapped tea lightView more presentations from kootoyoo.

    Obviously these can be used and reused for different events & as either tealights or vases.

    Perfect for your holiday table too.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Creative Football

    It's football club fundraiser time. Each year I seem to get "decorations" without putting my hand up. No surprises...I've been allocated the table centrepieces & the "Ladies Lounge". I've no idea how a ladies lounge should look but I'm using doilies, petals & a little injection of pink (to go with the pretty drinks). Naturally the budget is zero. I've exceeded budget...but not by much. My only significant expenses so far have been the fake turf & four cans of paint.

    I mentioned here that I'd like to be paid to potter. I wonder if maybe I might explore DIY Events...

    Super cute space from last week here.

    Dashing off to "borrow" some branches from a couple of my trees.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • A bit about the value of Community...

    A bit about the value of Community...

    I responded to a request from Kami this week & it really got me thinking & then I found this...

    The value of the collective and the community in the continuation of successful practice

    Presenter: Carole Hanson Epp
    Verge: 11th National Ceramics Conference

    Brisbane, Australia 10th - 14th July 2006

    "I have found that working within a community of artists or collaboratively can be a means, in particular for emerging artists, to gain valuable experience, access to opportunities and an awareness and understanding of the role of the community in support and critique of ones work. When we leave our academic environments to set out on our own as craftspeople we are still in need of a community of like-minded, inspirational, challenging and active producing artists around us. Academic programs can instill such skills as self-criticism and personal motivation, but it is through the community that we evolve and build upon that foundation...

    ...Only through active involvement will we as practitioners see the growth and development of these organizations and the artists they support. Attendance at events, membership, financial support, volunteering of skills and time, are all means towards common goals."

    Complete article here

    What does this mean for me? How can I nurture the relationships I've been building with this craft community & particularly the Melbourne girls?

    Support the community in which you hope to prosper whether financially or otherwise. Get around - have a chat.

    If you enjoy a blog, admire a piece (or collection) of work, got inspired, had a laugh, shed a tear, made your day, touched your heart - support them!

    Buy their work, leave comments, shop in their store, celebrate their wins & take an active interest in their journey.

    Everyone has to buy stuff sometime. Before you head to a nameless, faceless, bigger than Ben Hur store owned & run by a man in a suit you'll never see - consider buying from someone you "know" & who you KNOW will appreciate it.

    Put back what you take out and then some.

    I'm trying really hard to live this rather than just think it. A community is a powerful & wonderful thing. So to all who take the time to post, make, create, share or care - thank you.

    This post has been rather more deep than my usual drivel so I'm going to finish on a totally tacky low note...

    Mike Brady in the Brady Bunch Movie: Alone, we can only move buckets. But if we work together, we can drain rivers.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    Quite a bit of craftiness this week.

    - In the foreground are projects 1, 2 & 3 of 5 speedy quick things to make with pillowcases from the Week of Pillowcases I'm hosting at Meet me at Mikes this week.

    - The start of my 2nd Softie for Mirabel & the teddy bear that the small made for Mirabel. The kids have really embraced the appeal. I think because the Mirabel Foundation supports children. I'm so thrilled ot be taking part in this again this year.

    - Paperwork for a school event I'm organising. If you are in Melbourne & organising an event of any kind I can't recommend Action Events highly enough. They are a highly professional & most helpful.

    - Gorgeous pin cushion I picked up at the Op Shop last week.

    Feel free to join On my desk... at any time.