Sweet Fabric [Search results for good links

  • Excellent Crafty Tutorials...

    Excellent Crafty Tutorials...

    I've followed with success!

    I'm not usually one to follow instructions of any kind. But my recent instruction following crafting episodes have been very good to me. I'm finding that 9 times out of 10 someone else has done it smarter, faster, cooler & safer than I ever could.

    Soon to be released: THE craft book crammed with projects (by some of my favourite crafty spirits) I know I'm going to want to have a go at. So I'm working on practicing my ability to carefully read instructions.

    Yesterday the big girl announced that she needed a new pencil case. I had some Op Shopped denim which I embroidered the pencils onto (I've got a fair blister on my pointer finger from that exercise). It presented the perfect opportunity to follow a tutorial I've had on my "to do" for a very long time.

    Excellent instructions:

    For Free:
    how to make a lined zippered pouch
    super speedy & super easy.

    how to bind a book
    via Gemma. Easy to follow diagrams & a great gift idea.

    how to make fabric flowers
    links to her flickr & you tube tutorials from her sidebar.

    how to make a pincushion
    really beautiful result in record time!

    how to seam
    fabulous series, well researched & clearly presented.

    For a small fee (but well worth the dosh)!
    how to make your own undies from a t-shirt
    such a fabulous pattern with clear, well written instructions for absolutely the best kind of craft.

    how to make a puff purse - using a purse frame kit
    wonderful hand holding instructions accompany this fabulous & super cute pattern.

  • Third time lucky ...

    Third time lucky ...

    In preparation for the notebook exercise I stitched "THE nice list". I was so happy with the way this stitchery turned out & was a little reluctant to tear into it & glue it to the notebook.

    I told myself not to be a baby & just proceeded ... big mistake. I waited for the glue to dry & still hated the way it looked. I felt I'd "ruined" my hard work. So I ripped it from the notebook & gave it a good soak in hot water. It's still a little stiff but perfectly usable for something a little more substantial.

    Then I decided to make my next go something more solid that would hold the glue a little better. I worked for hours on that little bird (vintage New Idea? transfer). Once he was finished I knew there was no way I was going to coat him in glue! I do have plans for him which may involve this girl.

    The third effort was the little fish from this morning. I was speedie quick & most happy to coat him & stick him to that little notebook.

    PS: Have you been tracking me? I've been a bit slow the last couple of days but there really are some beautiful links on that list.

  • Why I love a granny square...

    Why I love a granny square...

    Friday Archives hosted by Loobylu.

    I'm sharing this pic of the smallest to help explain the love of the granny square. This image really is an archive - she's a big(ish) girl now.

    Some of you may have heard this story already - if that's you feel free to find some fresh content in the sidebar (I've been inspired by Pip's recent housekeeping & done a bit of my own).

    So...on with the story. We were given two bunny rug size granny blankets when the big girl was born.

    I was unimpressed to say the least. Crocheted from Patons Feathersoft - I thought that they were pretty yick. Consequently they were used only to keep the lovely woollen blankets firmly tucked around our sleeping babes.

    The smallest ferreted them out of the side of the cot when she was about 6 months old and she and the "Hucky" have been inseparable ever since.

    Now, thanks to Brown Owls (& a good friend) I'm totally up to speed on the Granny Square.

    Want some more Granny Square links?
    Granny-Along on Flickr (thanks Fran)
    Grannyalong Blog

  • Pillowcase Craft: Drawstring Backpack Tutorial...

    Pillowcase Craft: Drawstring Backpack Tutorial...

    Tutorial: How to make a drawstring backpack from a pillowcase can be found in PDF form here.

    Drawstring backpacks help us stay organised around the ranch. We wash & fold our swimming, gym, soccer & drama gear & then repack the bag. They hardly take up any room & we are always ready to fly out the door.

    Fancy a bit of weekend crafting?

    It's nothing startling but a making a drawstring backpack from a pillowcase is a quick & easy project. I've put together a little how to make a pillowcase backpack PDF here for anyone who wants to have a crack at it. You'll find links to all my other Pillowcase craft projects in my sidebar.

    Don't let your lovely pillowcase collection gather dust. Pillowcases are no good just sitting on a shelf.

    Click images to enlarge & print

    If you're looking for great quick & easy handmade gift ideas there are plenty listed in my sidebar.

    Thank you Sew Mama Sew,