Today I'm fighting with my machine over button holes & thinking that maybe I should just buy the buttonhole foot & be done with it!
In the space today:
-my "cheat sheet" for the music boxes. I have each step written down to avoid "doh" moments.
-a bit of yarn & wool suiting which I've been doing some felting experimenting with.
-a few more stackers for the collection
-& super cute Aunty Cookie original. I'm sure that there are several of us who fit this description.
Have you had a chance to visit last week's favourite space? It's over in the sidebar →
OR you could just click here. I'll update this week's sidebar link once I've been visiting.
Also, a big thank you to the people who do use the link list to pop around & visit the other players.
Pop in & add your link if you are playing along this week.