& where I sleep.
Yesterday afternoon was all about having a DIY crack...
FYI ... it is possible for one (average sized & fairly weak woman) to hang a room full of blinds alone.
FYI ... if in doubt - drill first & worry later.
FYI ... you can (pretty simply) cut your store bought Bunnings blinds to fit.
FYI ... golf's boring. (x)
FYI ... my camera battery is now dead (don't know where the charger is).
As predicted I found the afternoon with the hacksaw & the drill just the ticket & have now started to put together my side of the bed (FYI also DIY ... vintage bedheads & cheapo IKEA base).
FYI ... it's a WIP.
Photographs of artworks made by bricolagelife.
Geninne's bird.
Photographs of my smalls when they were in fact small.
(x) ... FYI that's for The Date.