Sweet Fabric + love

Hot & Not...
Hot & Not Mixtape

I've got plenty o' hot this week...

- Mixtapezine. I read this yesterday while I ate my bircher (also hot). There's a lot to love about this edition...Sooz's thoughts on rules...The Date's music reviews...Aunty Cookie tear out...Gemma Jones cover...& the "multi tasker tute" by me.

- Starting to feel like the new house is almost "done".

- My stud finder... a really truly one for walls (not the failing eyes or the overworked ticker).

- Pin cushions. Really how many does one girl need? If you think you might need another. The square one is here & the pieced hexagon pincushion is here.

- A visit on the fly to The Mill.

& very little of the not...

- Just tired...to the core. Even missed the long run last week - you know it's serious.

More hot & not over at loobylu.

Blog, hot and not, and more:

Hot & Not... + love