I fashioned this laptop stand out of bits & pieces I had lying around at home. The only things I had to buy for this project were two small hinges.
It's craft born out of necessity.
When we moved I cut an old table in half lengthways to make a slimline desk. Unfortunately my laptop & keyboard didn't fit properly on the desk so I was typing & reading at a really awkward (& uncomfortable) angle.
My brother has one of those store bought laptop stands so I rang him to find out where to buy one & went to the shop. I was horrified that this little piece of plastic was going to set me back around $80! In addition the sales person was extremely unhelpful so I huffed out of the shop determined to make one for myself.
I think practical things might as well also be beautiful. I've done a bit of embroidery to pretty things up & because I was unsure if my HAC would stand up to holding the laptop I didn't want my efforts to be in vain...

it's also a cookbook stand. Featuring the fabulous Minus the Boombah cookbook as recommended by Aunty Cookie.