Sweet Fabric + love

Chicken & Corn Soup...
Firework Soup

Now known in our house as "Firework Soup", so named by the little guy because of the explosion of corn with each bite.

It's very easy & tasty too. All our kids love it but if you'd like a bit of fire with the corn perhaps add some chilli once you've served the kids.

Chicken & Corn Soup

6 Fresh Corn Cobs cooked & then removed from cob
500gms quality chicken mince or breast cooked & set aside

4 Potatoes peeled & chopped
2 Leeks finely chopped (whites only)
Olive oil
1 litre of chicken stock

First add a generous slug of olive oil to your saucepan. Next add the leek & cook until soft & transparent. Then add the potato & the chicken stock.

Cook until the potatoes are soft.

Blend the pototo & leek base until smooth & then add the cooked chicken & corn and heat.

Add some flat leaf parsley & some cracked pepper too.


AWEsome, cooking, and more:

Chicken & Corn Soup... + love