Sweet Fabric [Search results for Slide Night

  • Bird's Nest Pasta [Slide 2]...

    Bird's Nest Pasta [Slide 2]...

    Sunday Supper hosted by Meet Me at Mikes.

    My smalls are not the best eaters. I'm trying to encourage them to broaden their tastes a bit. The big girl especially would happily live on white food alone! With my goal in sight I picked up some teeny asparagus at the fruit shop this week & with this image in my head set about making this for their dinner. It's more of a construction than a recipe.

    They LOVED it!

    Birds Nest Pasta
    1 Chicken Breast
    Sweet Paprika
    1 bunch tiny asparagus - chopped
    1 handful of mushrooms - sliced
    1 egg per person
    1 birds nest pasta per person

    Rub Sweet Paprika into the chicken breast & pan fry. Slice finely & set aside.

    Cook the mushrooms in the same frypan.

    Boil water in a large saucepan. Steam asparagus & set aside. Use this water to cook the pasta.

    Return the sliced chicken & asparagus to the frypan with the mushrooms & keep warm.

    In a separate pan poach the eggs.

    Place the pasta in the centre of the plate. Then scatter your vegie & chicken mix around the pasta. Top with the egg sprinkled with Parmesan (& cracked pepper if it's for anyone over 12).


    I think I'll have a couple of Stacey's cheese cubes & cocktail onions for befores & I'd kill for a Melbourne Bitter Cam. I'm so glad you guys could make it to Slide Night.

  • Stitching Queen [Slide 6]...

    Stitching Queen [Slide 6]...

    Thrifted Tuesday hosted by Leah.

    My heart stopped. I know you get how good she is so I won't rabbit on. Op Shopped in Kew. $3 and worth every cent!

    Gem, pass your pav around would you love & Claire, put your ciggie out & have a glass of wine. If you're fashionably late for slide night or just planning a grand entrance. RSVP here.

  • Dusting off the projector...

    Dusting off the projector...

    Image source

    for a Kootoyoo Slide Night. I hope you'll all come along.

    I'm stringing up an old sheet in the good room & lighting a fire. There will be fondue & a cask of Mozelle - you can even smoke your Alpine ciggies in the house!

    I've only been to a couple of Slide Nights in my life (both when I was very young) but I remember them well. Even the boring bits are fun when shared with a good friend & a laugh!

    I love holidays. The kids break up from school today - yay hooray! Looking forward to a couple of relaxed and lovely weeks. We've made a few plans & we are really going to enjoy this break.

    That means things will be a bit quiet on the blog front ... I'll be sharing holiday slides each day though. I won't be talking much but that doesn't mean you all can't share a giggle & a glass of wine.

    You are welcome to bring a plate of classic 70s fare, some slides of your own & a beanbag.

    ...oooh I think I'll have chicken liver pate as well! 41

  • Polaroid Diary of a small child ...

    Polaroid Diary of a small child ...

    School holidays have started!

    I've mentioned before how much I love school holidays. BUT we are super busy these holidays. There is way too much gym training & work & football & the like. The date's pretty annoyed about the amount of gym but that's another story.

    You might remember last holidays I had Slide Night. Which I really enjoyed but there won't be time for that sort of hoo ha.

    So these holidays I'm going to share the big girl's Polaroid Photo Diary from our family holiday in 2001.

    The Barbie Polaroid Camera was a gift from her Grandpa & we loved making this diary together. The text dictated to me after each image was added to the page.

    I'll post everyday but I won't really be around the blog so I'll catch you all at the end of the break.

    If you've got kids enjoy the time at home & if you haven't ... enjoy the peace on the roads.

  • 6 things ...

    6 things ...

    Kristy tagged me. She wants to know 6 things that made me happy today. Actually she wanted to know last week but I was still at Slide Night.

    So today these things have made me happy:

    1. listening the the small girl on the phone receiving her birthday phone calls.
    2. the smalls hugging each other.
    3. walking along the street in the winter sun arm in arm with the big girl.
    4. the date - he's especially good because he did the coffee run this morning.
    5. the smell of eucalyptus oil.
    6. the run.

    I haven't forgotten the music meme. It's coming.

    I won't tag anyone but if you'd like to play consider yourself tagged.

  • Smashed Strawberries [Slide 11]...

    Smashed Strawberries [Slide 11]...

    Sunday Supper hosted by Meet Me at Mikes.

    More breakfasty I know, but when I like something I'll eat it day or night & I really like this.

    Smashed Strawberries
    1 Punnet Strawberries
    2 Pieces of your favourite bread
    Cream Cheese
    1 Tbs Balsamic Vinegar
    Brown Sugar

    Preheat oven to 160 C.

    Cut the tops off the strawberries. Sprinkle them with sugar & leave to stand for about 15 minutes.

    Place cut side down in a baking tray & cook until they smell like jam & start to ooze (about 15 minutes).

    Meanwhile toast bread & heat balsamic vinegar & a bit more sugar over low heat to disolve sugar.

    Spread toast with cream cheese, top with 3 or 4 strawberries & then "smash" them with a fork.

    Drizzle with balsamic mixture & enjoy.