Sweet Fabric [Search results for found

  • How to ... 5 things to make from a pillowcase

    How to ... 5 things to make from a pillowcase

    Tutorial: How to make these pillowcase craft project can be found in PDF form here.

    Project Pillowcase:
    5 speedy quick “present cupboard” craft projects made from one pillowcase for "A Week of Pillowcases" hosted at Meet Me at Mikes.

    I try to use materials from Op Shops in my projects & I’ve been successful with this challenge. BUT…you shouldn’t feel restricted to using pillowcases. Remnants or lovely new fabrics will work just as effectively.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    1 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 eco-friendly shopping bag.

    The How To:
    Can be found here.
    You need to use bias tape for this project. So visit here for the best tutorial ever.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    2 of 5
    The End Product:

    2 Covered Suspension Files (per pillowcase).
    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    3 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 Peg Apron.

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    4 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 Blog Roll

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, but not so super speedy (the embroidery takes a bit of time). This pressie is for super special people.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    5 of 5
    The End Product:

    4 Tealight holders (you will be able to make 8-10 from one pillowcase).

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

  • Found - Beethoven's Inspiration [Slide 17]...

    Found - Beethoven's Inspiration [Slide 17]...

    Found photos hosted by Bricolagelife.

    Such a romantic image. I'm quite sure that had Beethoven ever seen this image he would have felt most inspired!

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Found photos hosted by Bricolagelife.

    The adventurous Jessie is not too far from home this week. They're on the way to Narbethong. They are going to be staying somewhere lovely.

    I've just googled & I think I'd like to stay a couple of nights as Woodlands Rainforest Retreat sans kids.

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Found photos hosted by Bricolagelife.

    Jessie had a good sense of humour. I admire that & I appreciate it.

    Some other girls who've given me a giggle this week:

    Claire (and joke submitters)

    I know there were more & I love you all for it. There really is nothing better than a good laugh.

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Found photos hosted by Bricolagelife.

    Jessie & the gang are staying at Kerami. This place still exists & I've read a bit on the history, it's interesting.

    I wonder if it was Jessie's family who built the original house. I should really get in contact with the current owners as I'm sure that they would appreciate some scans of Jessie's album.

    I'm not too sure about the "party" (maybe it was a slumber).

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Found photos hosted by Bricolagelife.

    This is it...the very last of Jessie's photos.

    She's a long way from home "Botany Bay" in Sydney. I wonder if this little group were imagining themselves on convict ships just as I have imagined myself in Jessie's life.

    Thank you for encouraging this imagining. I've thoroughly enjoyed it.

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    My found photo album of Jessie Jamieson has delivered another fabulous-lose-yourself type page this week.

    Jessie's on a road trip to Lorne this week. She was such a well travelled young lady!

    Just look at all those handsomely attired young folk sipping tea in the bush. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Found Photos hosted by Bricolagelife.

    More of the funny. I think Jessie & I would have got along like a house on fire.

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    More shots from Jessie Jamieson's Warburton trip.

    I've spent a bit of time in modern day Warburton because of the Trailwalker & these old images just make the place seem even more magical.

    I'm going over to check if Bricolagelife has posted another gorgeous Found photo.

  • My creative space...the great heart hunt

    My creative space...the great heart hunt

    click image to enlarge

    This is the creative space tip. It's just a jumble of fabric off cuts from the music box making. I can hardly get to the cutting mat now.

    I've found six hearts in this shot...five I knew were there when I was taking the pic & the sixth was a happy accident.

    You might need to view the image large so you can have a good look.

    Once you think you've found them you can click here to check you got them all.

    If you've hidden a heart this week please be sure to add your link like this:

    Kirsty (H)

    Edited to add: Did you know Angela has a Flickr group for posting fortuitous hearts? She has invited you to add your heart photos to the pool.

    It's fine just to post your regular space without a heart. Just pop in and add your link if you're playing along this week.

    Find last week's favourite space here.

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    These found photos in my Jessie Jamieson album made me gasp.

    I thought immediately of The Rabbit Proof Fence & it made my heart ache for the stolen generation.

    Learn more about the Lake Tyers mission here.

    I wonder what Jessie was doing there?

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Found photos hosted by Bricolagelife.

    The big reveal! Miss Jessie herself.

    I don't think Jessie liked having her photo taken. Interesting but not surprising.


  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    The order of the bath

    I'm playing along with Bricolage Life & posting one of my found photos.

    I have an album owned by Jessie Jamieson & dated 1922. I bought it because one of my dearest friends is a Jamieson.

    I love getting lost in these images & just imagining what life must have been like. Jessie was a Melbourne girl & a pretty serious adventurer for the time. She travelled as far as Belgrave, Warburton, Lorne, Lakes Entrance & Sydney.

    The images are held in a leather photo album & this image is titled "The order of the bath". The girls must be sisters because they all appear in many of the photos in the album.

    Oh & if you are thinking that this crafty blog aint too crafty you'd be right & it's getting to me a bit.

    I have been doing a fair bit of crafting it's just the top secret kind. Hopefully I'll have something crafty to share tomorrow.

  • Boomerang Beat Bag...

    Boomerang Beat Bag...

    This bag was made as a long overdue birthday gift for a very special friend. She's been waiting patiently & I'm finally ready to gift it.

    You might remember the fabric. Selvedge notes: Robert Kaufman(?) Screen Print 3855 Boomerang Beat. One of my best op shop finds ever!

    All components of this bag were purchased from various op shops. The embroidery floss came from my stash.

    I know I've banged on before about how much pleasure this sort of crafting gives me, but honestly it's true.

    I really want to keep this for myself - she's going to have a fight on her hands.

    PS: Yesterday's post was supposed to say that my gorgeous sister made an entire pillowcase wardrobe for her sweet as anything little girl. I was also going to say how proud I was of her & how thrilled I was to have given her a hand...

    Sorry about the total abandonment of the post...sometimes the heart wins.

    Edited to add:

    A few people asked about the how. I'm really sorry but I'm not ready to share my process. It's very much a work in progress & a pretty organic sort of construction. There's no pattern cut. I just get all the materials together & go for it. Maybe one day, but not yet. I hope that's OK.

    The original was inspired by a bag made entirely of leather strapping by Danny Seo (which I've tried to find via Google & can't), as well as these tooled leather bags which my mum had in the 70s.

    I will leave you with a quote from my hero found via his interview with Victoria Everman.

    "The simple truth is that I think of what I want, then use what I've got on hand to make it".
    Justin "Scrappers" Morrison

    I've thought about this daily since I read the interview.

    Elsie found the Danny Seo bag. Thank you Elsie.

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Further adventures of Jessie Jamieson in my Found photo album.

    This is still the Lakes Entrance holiday.

    I am really taken with the image of Ness (obviously one of the stylish sisters). The rippling water, the reflection, the beach attire, the pose, the hat & the paddling. Just beautiful.

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Jessie Jamieson on yet another adventure. Her travels have taken her to Lakes Entrance in Eastern Victoria.

    This image shows the Entrance to the sea.

    How exciting Jessie's life was. I can't even imagine what a big deal it would have been to go on a holiday to Lakes Entrance in the 1920s. I've found it challenging enough to get down to Lonsdale for a couple of days!

    I've mentioned before that things are very slow down at Lonsdale. If I owe you a visit - I'll stop in when I'm back in town. I'm not patient enough for dial up...perhaps a bit of Jessie's influence would do me some good.

    Edit: Bricolagelife has pondered about Jessie's camera. Now I NEED to know what sort of camera it was. Anyone know how to find out?

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Catch of the day.

    Jessie is still on holiday at Lakes Entrance.

    My lovely found friend. Do you think the guy with the shark was a relative or a flame?

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Found photos hosted by Bricolagelife.

    Jessie is having a lovely break at Narbethong...

    & going for lovely rambles in the hills with good friends. I really love this photo - it's sort of secret gardenish.

  • A bit about the value of Community...

    A bit about the value of Community...

    I responded to a request from Kami this week & it really got me thinking & then I found this...

    The value of the collective and the community in the continuation of successful practice

    Presenter: Carole Hanson Epp
    Verge: 11th National Ceramics Conference

    Brisbane, Australia 10th - 14th July 2006

    "I have found that working within a community of artists or collaboratively can be a means, in particular for emerging artists, to gain valuable experience, access to opportunities and an awareness and understanding of the role of the community in support and critique of ones work. When we leave our academic environments to set out on our own as craftspeople we are still in need of a community of like-minded, inspirational, challenging and active producing artists around us. Academic programs can instill such skills as self-criticism and personal motivation, but it is through the community that we evolve and build upon that foundation...

    ...Only through active involvement will we as practitioners see the growth and development of these organizations and the artists they support. Attendance at events, membership, financial support, volunteering of skills and time, are all means towards common goals."

    Complete article here

    What does this mean for me? How can I nurture the relationships I've been building with this craft community & particularly the Melbourne girls?

    Support the community in which you hope to prosper whether financially or otherwise. Get around - have a chat.

    If you enjoy a blog, admire a piece (or collection) of work, got inspired, had a laugh, shed a tear, made your day, touched your heart - support them!

    Buy their work, leave comments, shop in their store, celebrate their wins & take an active interest in their journey.

    Everyone has to buy stuff sometime. Before you head to a nameless, faceless, bigger than Ben Hur store owned & run by a man in a suit you'll never see - consider buying from someone you "know" & who you KNOW will appreciate it.

    Put back what you take out and then some.

    I'm trying really hard to live this rather than just think it. A community is a powerful & wonderful thing. So to all who take the time to post, make, create, share or care - thank you.

    This post has been rather more deep than my usual drivel so I'm going to finish on a totally tacky low note...

    Mike Brady in the Brady Bunch Movie: Alone, we can only move buckets. But if we work together, we can drain rivers.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Plenty of distrACTION in the space this week.

    This week

    managed to piece last week's redwork
    found the knitted squares which have been haunting me for 2 weeks
    found my glasses (in the bag with the squares)

    clover needle felting equipment
    teeny tiny etchasketch
    more pincushions
    last night's capiroska

    After seeing Jane's Gees Bend results & subsequently Meg's stunning free form block I used the leftover apholstery scraps from the pincushion exercise to make this square. It's been ages since I did any kind of block piecing & this was most enjoyable. My favourite bit is the little patch to repair the hole from the sample book.

    The link list seems to be working well. Don't forget to add your link everytime you play - I have the current post linked from the sidebar each week.