Sweet Fabric [Search results for my home town

  • Fancy a trip?...

    Fancy a trip?...
    Plane trip

    The Date's playing a golf tournament & he asked if the kids & I wanted to come along.

    At first I had a minor breakdown about the kids missing school. The Date raised his eyebrows at me & I gave myself a stern talking to & now we're all on a plane heading for a bit of warmth.

    I'm planning to share some of the recent op shop purchases that have made my little op shopping heart skip a beat.

    I figured that might get a bit biege for you guys. So...

    I thought you might like to take a little trip of your own...around my home town. I'll have a clue accompanying each post this week. You'll need to follow the clues & at the end of the week you'll unscramble to find something that is also close to my heart.

    You'll need a notepad & pen beside your mouse (or something more techy if you're opposed to the pen). All the answers are contained within recent posts on each blog. That is I found the answers on the first page of each blog on Friday 11th September. Don't panic if you can't find the answers straight away...it's OK to cheat a little & email/twitter a buddy.

    There'll be further instructions with the final clue!

    Sound like fun? If you play to the end you'll go into the draw to win a prize (yet to be determined but I promise it will be good).

    CLUE #1
    Skip on over to Claire's.
    What it was that was warped in Claire's creative space?
    Use the 3rd letter of this word.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Key under mat

    If you're a Thursday visitor you may not know ... I've snuck out of town.

    I've left the key under the mat for you.

    I won't be around but make yourselves comfy, have a cuppa & make sure you pat each other on the back.

    I'll see you all next week...

    lock up when you leave won't you?

    I've invited folks to tour my home town while I'm gone. It's not too late to join in.

    CLUE #6
    Justine's got a fair bit on her plate...Mixtapezine is relaunching & she & her date will be be going through submissions & working on the layout.
    What fairy is about to pay a visit to their place?
    Use the second last letter of this word.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • Craft Blog List...Melbourne

    ... I'm high on the hill
    Looking over the bridge
    To the M.C.G.
    And way up on high
    The clock on the silo
    Says eleven degrees
    Paul Kelly

    A list of blogs I visit in my home town:

    13 mimosa
    62 cherry
    anna laura
    aprons and hammers
    arthur's circus
    aunty cookie
    boobook sausauge dogs
    brown owls
    bug and pop
    craft city melbourne
    daydream lily
    dear fii
    earl & cookie
    h & b
    handmade romance
    hoppo bumpo
    jelly baby blog
    jimmy trickle
    kitty's kaboodle
    kaotic kraft kuties
    leni & rose
    lino forest
    meet me at mikes
    mobble gobble
    nikki shell
    one red robin
    pigeon pair
    sheeps clothing
    sugar lemon
    teacups on treetops
    teddy bears wednesday
    the lark
    three buttons
    totally innocent
    you SEW girl

    This list is a work in progress & will be updated regularly.

    You might also like to check out my:
    craft blog list ... australia
    craft blog list ... world wide

  • Helpless...


    Yesterday was the hottest day on record in Melbourne.

    The girls & I did go out a few times & when we did the smell was overpowering. The big girl looked at me with wide eyes & said "Mum, it smells like Bright" (2003 bushfires). It did.

    While I was opening the blinds just enough to take trivial shots of my work in progress. My Suburban sky looked like this...

    because much of Victoria was on fire. People have lost their homes, livestock & their lives.

    Just as the cool change hit our place, a once beautiful town with a special place in my heart (& not too far from home) was completely engulfed.

  • The quilt project...

    The quilt project...

    I'm very happily back to Melbourne drizzle. It was lovely & cool on the run this morning.

    This is my most recent pair of Asics. I did actually head into Active Feet before I headed out of town & am now sporting a new pair of runners (toe not yet worn through). My shoes were stitched by hand which I thoroughly enjoyed. I used stem stitch, running stitch & chain stitch for the shoe. I chose to french knot the tongue & the ankle cushioning which was very time consuming but very satisfying.

    Perhaps not the best time to take off ... I arrived home yesterday morning to a mountain of quilt project blocks. Each of them are wonderful & I am very much looking forward to sharing the completed "quilt" with you. I am horribly behind with the Flickr commenting but you might like to see some of the amazing pieces worked in red that have been sent in here.

    If you've been following the project & if you think you might like to see the completed quilt in person ... you might want to mark 23 October in your diary. Details coming soon.

    It feels good to be home, I'm looking forward to catching up on all your news & having a chat.

  • Craft Blog List...Australia

    I've been to cities that never close down,
    from New York to Rio and old London town,
    but no matter how far or how wide I roam,
    I still call Australia home.
    Peter Allen

    A list of blogs I visit around Australia:

    a spoonful of sugar
    bespoke press
    edward and lilly
    ethel loves fred
    flossy p
    girl ferment
    hey bubbles
    hop skip jump
    hyena in petticoats
    potty mouth mama
    retro mummy
    ric rac
    sadie & lance
    tsk tsk
    two little banshees
    two pink possums

    This list is a work in progress & will be updated regularly.

    You may also like to check out my:
    craft blog list ... melbourne my absolute favourites!
    craft blog list ... world wide