Sweet Fabric [Search results for random

  • In tune...

    In tune...

    I owe a fair few tags around the place.

    I really honestly tried for the 6th in the 6th as tagged by the Potty Mouth & Jimmy Trickle but I wasn't at all happy with the image.

    Then mixtapezine gave me a lovely award.

    So when she posted this I thought...BINGO. Here's something that they'll all appreciate.

    Band name: Oleg Fedoseyev
    Album name: (size of the) fight in the dog
    Album cover: As pictured from here

    Here are the rules.

    1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random”or click this. The FIRST random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

    2 - Go to "Random quotations"or click this. The last FOUR or FIVE words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

    3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”or click this. THIRD picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

    Fun - have a crack.

  • 6 random things...

    6 random things...

    First things first. I was tagged quite some time ago by the very lovely Kristy with a you make my day award, which was very sweet. Thank you.

    Now I've been tagged by Chocolate & Steel for the six random things. I've only fairly recently done the 7 random things & I'm really bad at these games so I apologise in advance. I've used these Op Shopped cards as my springboard.

    My Favourite Tea:
    Earl Grey
    My Favourite Outfit:
    My Asian slash modern slash tree dress that I bought without trying on! It was bought from a guy who knows his stuff.
    My Favourite Food:
    It's a toss up between lollies & Burgen Rye toast with St Dalfour raspberry jam.
    My Favourite Shoes:
    Yep - it's the runners although I am pretty partial to my boots too.
    My Favourite Flower:
    My Favourite Book:
    Recently, it's The Lying Tongue. In the last 5 years, it's The Kite Runner. Historically, it's The Outsiders.

    Now, this is where the really bad comes in. I don't pass these things on. I'm not really sure why - I think it's linked to the whole chain letter caper when I was a kid. But...if you'd like to have a go. Consider yourself tagged.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Creative Space Tin

    Still more food.

    I had the passionfruit on my muesli this morning & now I'm using the tin for something a bit cute (& food themed).

    I'm being good & measuring twice & cutting once. This is part two of the something I began on Monday.

    You can visit my favourite space from last week right here.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

    With so many people playing along now, I confess I'm finding it hard to keep up. I think I'll need to do some random number thingy so that the people at the tail end of the list don't keep missing out. Thank you all for playing along & helping to make Thursdays friendly & fun.

  • The Notebook Project...

    The Notebook Project...

    I mentioned it last week.

    I've finished my contribution & I'm ready to mail it on for the next "random dispatch from the blogosphere".

    If you would like to know more about the project visit here, or better yet just sign up! I had fun.

    I love a challenge & it's probably what I value most about the whole craft/blog thing. I really enjoy watching other wonderful people challenge themselves & I'm seeing plenty of evidence of it around:

    Jhoanna preparing for her solo show,
    Angela's off on her first international adventure,
    Pip's editing like a woman posessed,
    Cam's opened her shop,
    Lexi is forming a solid habit &
    Claire's keyboard is red hot.

    Girls to stick like glue to ... for sure.

  • Vintage Illustration - Day 3...

    Vintage Illustration - Day 3...

    I've got another beauty from the 1940s for Pips Vintage Children's Illustration show & tell today.

    The Cozy Little Farm has beautiful illustrations in black & white as well as colour.

    Illustrated by Angela
    Written by Louise Bonino
    Published by Random House of Canada in 1946

    I'll be back this afternoon with On my desk...

  • Deal or no deal 002...

    Deal or no deal 002...

    Set of 4 vintage cannisters. Made in Japan. There's a dint in one lid (which I've pushed out a bit since the photo) but they are free so...

    I want it - what do I do?
    Comment DEAL on this post & the winner will be announced when I post the next "deal" offering.

    Once you've won you won't be able to "deal" with me again.

    What's the catch?
    The gravy train has got to end sometime & you never know when that will be. Wait too long & you might just miss out.

    Cannisters are Australia wide.

    Random draw & the winner of the sheep is Bec.
    I'll post once all the dealing's done.

  • Deal or no deal 009...

    Deal or no deal 009...

    Collectable Vintage Irish Doll.

    I want it - what do I do?
    Comment DEAL on this post & the winner will be announced when I post the next "deal" offering.

    Once you've won you won't be able to "deal" with me again.

    What's the catch?
    The gravy train has got to end sometime & you never know when that will be. Wait too long & you might just miss out.

    Irish Doll is Australia wide.

    Random draw & the winner of the tablecloth is Cam . Please email me (you'll find the address here).
    I'll post once all the dealing's done.

  • Deal or no deal 008...

    Deal or no deal 008...

    Ladybird tablecloth & napkins.

    I want it - what do I do?
    Comment DEAL on this post & the winner will be announced when I post the next "deal" offering.

    Once you've won you won't be able to "deal" with me again.

    What's the catch?
    The gravy train has got to end sometime & you never know when that will be. Wait too long & you might just miss out.

    Tablecloth is World wide.

    Random draw & the winner of the mixmaster is Sarah (no blog). Please email me (you'll find the address here).
    I'll post once all the dealing's done.

  • Deal or no deal 003...

    Deal or no deal 003...

    Bike "Tagalong".

    I want it - what do I do?
    Comment DEAL on this post & the winner will be announced when I post the next "deal" offering.

    Once you've won you won't be able to "deal" with me again.

    What's the catch?
    The gravy train has got to end sometime & you never know when that will be. Wait too long & you might just miss out.

    Tagalong is Melbourne ONLY. You need to come & get it.

    Random draw & the winner of the cannisters is Cass. Please email me (you'll find the address here).
    I'll post once all the dealing's done.

    I'm going to leave this one open a bit longer & announce with the winner of Deal 4.

  • Deal or no deal 011...

    Deal or no deal 011...

    100% cotton Baby Blanket. Still in its packaging - it looks hand stitched. Made in Italy. This is the LUCKY LAST DEAL.

    I want it - what do I do?
    Comment DEAL on this post & the winner will be announced when I post the next "deal" offering.

    Once you've won you won't be able to "deal" with me again.

    What's the catch?
    The gravy train has got to end sometime & you never know when that will be. Wait too long & you might just miss out.

    Blanket is Australia Wide.

    Random draw & the winner of the Irish Doll is Paisley Jade . Please email me (you'll find the address here).

  • Inside running...

    Inside running...
    Inside Running

    I know I've talked a bit about the run & the "zone" & the ideas.

    This year I'm trying to keep a log book of the run. I'm scribbling things down as soon as I get home...just for my own interest really. I'm keen to follow the Hansel & Gretel trail from first idea through a few runs & finally see it begin (or maybe not). I'm going to photograph it each day & either post here or on Flickr.

    So on today's run I thought a LOT about the laptop stand I'm building in my head & then later today I gathered a few bits & pieces from around the house to start work.

    Other random thoughts included floor rugs, sink mats, texture, geometric doodles I used to do in Primary School.

    I'm brainstorming ways to make our full-of-potential courtyard user friendly until we have some cash & thought maybe I might make a huge hessian "quilt" for it.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Red Dust

    Such a lot of creating going on in my head lately but not so much with the hands. I'm hoping that this little experiment comes off. I'll be able to justify my crazy crafty happy dancing about it if it does.

    The head creating is mainly about all things quilty. I got my copy of Fat Quarterly yesterday & let me tell you that little ezine(actually rather large - a huge 78 pages of goodness) has really got the mind ticking. Have you purchased Fat Quarterly? My favourite project was of course Kate's business shirt quilt. She gets two ticks from me on that one. Firstly because she's ace & secondly because of the reusing bizzo.

    The new commenting system worked pretty well I think. I used the random number generator & asked for 60 numbers. It spat them out & I had a lovely time leap frogging around the list.

    One of my favourite lily pads from last week was this one. I love her desk.

    In the news: It's Cam's birthday today. She's one of the very first creative space players. Have a happy day Cam.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • Deal or no deal 007...

    Deal or no deal 007...

    Vintage Sunbeam Mixmaster. It's been tested for safety but I've never used it. The beaters are mismatched but it's free afterall.

    I want it - what do I do?
    Comment DEAL on this post & the winner will be announced when I post the next "deal" offering.

    Once you've won you won't be able to "deal" with me again.

    What's the catch?
    The gravy train has got to end sometime & you never know when that will be. Wait too long & you might just miss out.

    Mixmaster is Melbourne ONLY. You have to come & pick it up.

    Random draw & the winner of the cannisters is Kristy. Please email me (you'll find the address here).
    I'll post once all the dealing's done.

  • Deal or no deal 005...

    Deal or no deal 005...

    5 china thimbles featuring birds.

    I want it - what do I do?
    Comment DEAL on this post & the winner will be announced when I post the next "deal" offering.

    Once you've won you won't be able to "deal" with me again.

    What's the catch?
    The gravy train has got to end sometime & you never know when that will be. Wait too long & you might just miss out.

    Thimbles are World wide.

    Random draw & the winner of the Tagalong is Betty Jo & the winner of the Irish Girl is Frances. Please email me (you'll find the address here).
    I'll post once all the dealing's done.

  • Low on fuel...

    Low on fuel...

    for this space!

    The week out was good for my soul but not so good for the crafting.

    & I've got a little confession for you...

    The taking of photos has been zapping all my creative energy. I'm trying really hard...failing lots...and maybe getting better at the snapping (but still terrible at chatting to random people & taking photos in the street).

    It's good to be back but I expect it'll be sporadic until the kids go back to school.

  • Deal or no deal 006...

    Deal or no deal 006...

    Set of 4 adonised vintage cannisters.

    I want it - what do I do?
    Comment DEAL on this post & the winner will be announced when I post the next "deal" offering.

    Once you've won you won't be able to "deal" with me again.

    What's the catch?
    The gravy train has got to end sometime & you never know when that will be. Wait too long & you might just miss out.

    Cannisters are Australia wide.

    Random draw & the winner of the thimbles is Judy. Please email me (you'll find the address here).
    I'll post once all the dealing's done.