Such a lot of creating going on in my head lately but not so much with the hands. I'm hoping that this little experiment comes off. I'll be able to justify my crazy crafty happy dancing about it if it does.
The head creating is mainly about all things quilty. I got my copy of Fat Quarterly yesterday & let me tell you that little ezine(actually rather large - a huge 78 pages of goodness) has really got the mind ticking. Have you purchased Fat Quarterly? My favourite project was of course Kate's business shirt quilt. She gets two ticks from me on that one. Firstly because she's ace & secondly because of the reusing bizzo.
The new commenting system worked pretty well I think. I used the random number generator & asked for 60 numbers. It spat them out & I had a lovely time leap frogging around the list.
One of my favourite lily pads from last week was this one. I love her desk.
In the news: It's Cam's birthday today. She's one of the very first creative space players. Have a happy day Cam.
Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.