Sweet Fabric [Search results for tracking

  • Tracking ...

    Tracking ...

    illustration by Janet & Anne Grahame Johnstone from Dean's Gift Book of Fairy Tales

    I'm engaging in a little experiment.

    I've banged on about a thousand times before about rules & how they keep me focussed. So I've made a new rule. This month I'm tracking my blog clicketty trips.

    We'll see where this takes us:

    a beautiful mess
    brown design inc
    che & fidel
    doobleh vay
    elsa & hugo
    hens teeth
    here's looking at me kid
    kids & cocktails
    little letters
    make something
    miss jane
    moonshine & piffle
    pink penguin
    q's daydream
    resurrection fern
    simple lovely
    sugar city journal
    the paper planes
    the secret bee
    tiny red
    will bryant
    wolfie & the sneak

  • Tracking square with Granny [Slide 13]...

    Tracking square with Granny [Slide 13]...

    I love the term "tracking square" to describe dating. I've been having lots of dates with the hook lately. The Granny & I are working really hard at our relationship!

    My Grannies are eight rounds & beautifully square until round five & then things start to stray a bit. I tried really hard to embrace the wonk just as Jess said, but I can't - I'm flawed, I confess.

    I tried to manipulate her a bit...not much luck.

    I've changed my approach & I'm now doing a reversible Granny. I like it! A bit more solid in construction & I think the end result will be much more stable.

    Lovely & square - just the way I like it. It's all about laying the foundations after all.

  • The week that was...

    The week that was...

    Snippets from my week

    I had a grand plan for some polaroid shots. I dug out the Barbie camera & then spent too much time tracking down film. I loaded the film & the blasted camera just took shot after shot after shot. It seems the smallest performed her own renegade style of maintenance on the camera & now it's fritzed!

    My week has been dominated by the need for a polaroid camera. When I haven't been at work I've been trawling Op Shop after Op Shop.

    I've got several crafty projects that I want to finish off but my obsessive nature won't allow me to focus on anything else.

    I'll just have to be patient.

  • Tough love & a bit more [Slide 10]...

    Tough love & a bit more [Slide 10]...

    Maybe not the smacks but we are tough love parents (although the date's a bit softer than me).

    Dunno if it's going to work out but we seem to be tracking OK so far.

    As for the second quote you know I'm 100% behind that!

  • Tracking - October 08...

    Tracking - October 08...

    illustration by Janet & Anne Grahame Johnstone from Dean's Gift Book of Fairy Tales

    The final list.

    I slowed down a bit toward the end of the month. But I really quite enjoyed this & I love having a record.

    a beautiful mess
    brown design inc
    che & fidel
    doobleh vay
    elsa & hugo
    hens teeth
    here's looking at me kid
    kids & cocktails
    little letters
    make something
    miss jane
    moonshine & piffle
    pink penguin
    q's daydream
    resurrection fern
    simple lovely
    sugar city journal
    the paper planes
    the secret bee
    tiny red
    will bryant
    wolfie & the sneak

  • Mixing ...

    Mixing ...

    with other crafty souls at the Mixtape event.

    I didn't take photos of my accessory gift! I'm hoping that Cathy will...

    I received this fabulous denim bag with mushroom lining & little tin full of buttons from Cathy.

    Fi's pincushion project was speedy & fun.

    Thanks Nichola & Justine for the challenge. I really enjoyed the new beginnings. I think I'm falling in love with the rings - it could be a long term relationship.

    PS: Are you tracking me? Lots of lovely blogs I've been visiting on my clicketty trips.

  • Third time lucky ...

    Third time lucky ...

    In preparation for the notebook exercise I stitched "THE nice list". I was so happy with the way this stitchery turned out & was a little reluctant to tear into it & glue it to the notebook.

    I told myself not to be a baby & just proceeded ... big mistake. I waited for the glue to dry & still hated the way it looked. I felt I'd "ruined" my hard work. So I ripped it from the notebook & gave it a good soak in hot water. It's still a little stiff but perfectly usable for something a little more substantial.

    Then I decided to make my next go something more solid that would hold the glue a little better. I worked for hours on that little bird (vintage New Idea? transfer). Once he was finished I knew there was no way I was going to coat him in glue! I do have plans for him which may involve this girl.

    The third effort was the little fish from this morning. I was speedie quick & most happy to coat him & stick him to that little notebook.

    PS: Have you been tracking me? I've been a bit slow the last couple of days but there really are some beautiful links on that list.

  • A little help...

    A little help...

    for my friends.

    My lovely friend is walking this. I've done it - it's the hardest thing ever! If you'd like to donate to her team of go-get-em girls and support OXFAM go here. I'll be tracking her progress over the next 20 hours or so.

    I'm off to support another of my lovely friends tonight. She is doing live stand-up - that's gutsy!