Sweet Fabric + TIME

The week that was...

Snippets from my week

It's been an eventful week.

* Warm, cold, healthy, sick, tired, energised - you get the picture.

* I'm having a crack at some different stuff, some organic stuff, some old stuff & some boy meets girl stuff.

* I've been totally motivated by Anna Laura, Loobylu & Hop Skip Jump.

* I've been out & about with the Polaroid.

* I've covered myself in gold paint (by accident).

* I've been looked after by the universe which landed me in exactly the right Op Shop at exactly the right time. Tune in Tuesday to see the results.

* I've had some crazy mad giggling type of fun running in the rain with this girl. I'm not sure she enjoyed the experience as much as I did.

clever people, have a crack, MAD, reflection, tall poppies, the week that was, and more:

The week that was... + TIME