Sweet Fabric:
the week that was

  • The week that was...

    The week that was...

    Snippets from my week

    It's been an eventful week.

    * Warm, cold, healthy, sick, tired, energised - you get the picture.

    * I'm having a crack at some different stuff, some organic stuff, some old stuff & some boy meets girl stuff.

    * I've been totally motivated by Anna Laura, Loobylu & Hop Skip Jump.

    * I've been out & about with the Polaroid.

    * I've covered myself in gold paint (by accident).

    * I've been looked after by the universe which landed me in exactly the right Op Shop at exactly the right time. Tune in Tuesday to see the results.

    * I've had some crazy mad giggling type of fun running in the rain with this girl. I'm not sure she enjoyed the experience as much as I did.

  • The week that was...

    The week that was...

    Snippets from my week

    I had a grand plan for some polaroid shots. I dug out the Barbie camera & then spent too much time tracking down film. I loaded the film & the blasted camera just took shot after shot after shot. It seems the smallest performed her own renegade style of maintenance on the camera & now it's fritzed!

    My week has been dominated by the need for a polaroid camera. When I haven't been at work I've been trawling Op Shop after Op Shop.

    I've got several crafty projects that I want to finish off but my obsessive nature won't allow me to focus on anything else.

    I'll just have to be patient.

  • The week that was...

    The week that was...

    Snippets from my week.

    Last week Jhoanna & Pip both made predictions/suggestions for what lay ahead. I've gone with rewarding because it was easier & I'm feeling a bit slack.

    -Being able to help out some gorgeous friends both with blogs & without...rewarding.

    -Making time for 5 new beginnings - I'm addicted to beginnings...rewarding.

    -Being challenged (& stepping up) by this lovely soul. She's given me so many crafty nudges over the last 12 months and it has meant lots of new beginnings...rewarding.

    -Being reminded that when life gets in the way of the things you love it's OK to say "no"...rewarding

    -Pushing myself on my Friday run when I really couldn't be fagged...rewarding.

  • The week that was...

    The week that was...

    Snippets from my week.

    I really enjoyed my delightful week last week & so I'm backing it up with exciting. Saturday is a bit of a slow day in the blog world & it seems like a good day to weekEND.

    The date & are in the preliminary stages of a very big project...exciting.

    Yesterday I ran in the pitch dark at 6am. I normally love running in the street-lit-Melbourne dark but running along the Promenade at Lonsdale is quite another thing. I scared myself silly...& then repeated the experience this morning...exciting.

    Today, the kids & I played Mini Golf. The date always wins & the small & I take turns in coming last. But, today I won...exciting.

    Out of town Op Shops turned up gold (again). I bought 40 Ladybirds for $5.00...exciting

    Hard working, talented, local & particularly lovely girls are being rewarded for their efforts & embarking on new crafty adventures...exciting.

    Care to suggest an adjective for next week? I'm game if you are.